My First 70mm Experience
Cinema Reopens
By Jean Noel Durand Bourat
The true history of Circlorama 1962-65
By Stanley Long

• Go to Postcards from Festival de Cannes 2007
• Go to Interview Loïc LEDEZ -
Festival de Cannes Projectionist
• Go to Loïc LEDEZ - Festival de Cannes

• Go to Gallery: Postcards from Festival
de Cannes |
65/70mm Economics
By 65/70mm Workshop
The additional $700,000 to shoot 65mm thus represented an
increase of just 2.4% over the cost of shooting on 35mm |
See This!!
By Bill Kallay
I'll just say that SDS-70 and the DMX systems blow away any digital, and
possible film presentation, that I've seen in recent years. |
Sleeping Giant
By Mike Taylor
A description given to the 70mm film by the eminent American
projection engineer Ben Schlanger, back in 1966 |
Film Intro
By Wolfram Hannemann
I'm your host during this 3rd Todd-AO 70mm weekend |
Paul Rayton
Paul Rayton was born in the far northeastern part
of the US. Initially brought up there, by the early 1960s he
felt enough interest in film to head west |
Curve Multi-format Screen Design
By 65/70mm Workshop
New concepts in
relation to screen design for 70mm, 35mm and D-Cinema. |
The CinemaScope Grail
By Mario Beguiristain
My Paris visit to rue Henri Chrétien, named in honor of the inventor of CinemaScope. |
Statement on 65/70mm
By Johan Wolthuis
250 delegates celebrated the 50th Anniversary of TODD-AO
at the Widescreen
Festival in Bradford, UK |
Golden Head" Revisited
By Tony Sloman
The prospect of re-viewing "The
Golden Head" was the highlight of the 2006
Widescreen Weekend |
to play DTS Special Venue
By Peter Fearn & Paul Rayton |
Tale of Old Whiff
By F Gwynplaine MacIntyre
I saw "A Tale of Old Whiff" WITHOUT the Smell-O-Vision apparatus ... an
absence which diminishes the effect of this film, as we're meant to be
able to smell all the items that Old Whiff doesn't notice. Still this is
an excellent and innovative cartoon ... not especially funny, but
charming and imaginative. I wish that it were widely available, even
without the Smell-O-Vision. |
Todd-AO Festival 2007
By Thomas Hauerslev
Schauburg, Karlsruhe, presents
classic 70mm films on the curved screen |
70mm Seminar in the Czech Republic 2006
By Jakub Klíma
A small seminar, where students and professional got together to enjoy
large format films. |
Film Classic “Porgy and Bess” Modern-Day Theatrical Debut By Turner Classic Movies "Porgy and Bess" for a two-night only special showing, back on the big screen at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York City on September 26 and 27, 2007 |

• Go to Loïc LEDEZ -
The French Master Projectionist
• Go to Loïc LEDEZ - The French Master
Projectionist |
de Cannes
By Thomas Hauerslev
Image gallery from the Cannes Film festival in May 2007 |

• Go to
On the Trail of CinemaScope
• Go to Gallery:
On the Trail of CinemaScope |
Jarre Live
Milan Records presents A TRIBUTE TO DAVID LEAN, a concert recorded live at the
Barbican Center in London, 1992 |
Grant's Blow-up Blog
By Grant Lobban
A blow-up is the term used to describe a
print made by enlarging, or
“blowing-up”, smaller formats, usually
those on 35mm film, but 70mm prints have
also been derived from 16mm and even 8mm
originals. |
Von Grant Lobban
Mit "Blow-up" bezeichnet man eine 70mm Kopie, die durch
optische Vergrößerung eines kleineren Formates, meistens
35mm, hergestellt wurde. |
Second 65/70 Workshop in Bradford March 2007
By Ramon Lamarca Marques and Brian Guckian |
70mm in Oslo
By Ingolf Vonau
The 70mm Film festival in Oslo 2007 is very pleased to
present 3 Films from the former East German Film company DEFA |
Miklos Rozsa
By Jeffrey Dane
When I finally met him after thirteen years, I felt almost speechless
with admiration. |
Academy Prize
The Academy searched worldwide to find a suitable person to honor and the vote was
unanimous when we decided David Strohmaier |

• Go to
“As Good as it Gets” |
"As Good as it Gets" 70mm demo
By Rick Mitchell |
Who is Rick Mitchell?
By Rick Mitchell |
Widescreen Weekend 2007
By Thomas Hauerslev
2011, 2010,
2009, 2008,
2007, 2006,
2005, 2004,
1994 |

Go to
"Keepers of the Frame"
- complete press kit |

Go to
Imperial Bio
- Design for Copenhagen |
Super Dimensional Xperience
By Rick Mitchell
Report from the he first public demonstrations of Dimensional Movie Xperience
in Los Angeles |
#1 turns 111
See a few images of what is now a restaurant, in
Paris, France |
Herbert Born
I was born in the same year
as CinemaScope had it’s public birthday. Went to school and began during
school work as a part time projectionist in Aachen, Elysee cinema. |
Nobody Does it Better
By Thomas Hauerslev
The obvious solution is to use large format 70mm film with its 3X times
the resolution of standard film. With 70mm, less magnification is
required and the improved quality is noticeable at once. It will be a
high-impact experience for most people, unlike anything they have seen
previously. Once they become aware of the WOW factor, ie. big, bright
and sharp images, they will prioritize 70mm presentations. The audience
will perceive any film in 70mm to be far more intense on the
subconscious level because the brain has three to four times more
picture information to "process" per second. |
Nobody Does it Better
Von Thomas Hauerslev
Die offenkundige Lösung ist, einen großformatigen 70mm-Film mit seiner
gegenüber dem Standardfilm dreifachen Auflösung zu verwenden. Bei 70 mm ist
weniger Vergrößerung erforderlich, und die verbesserte Qualität ist sofort
bemerkbar. Es wird eine sehr eindrucksvolle Erfahrung für die meisten sein,
anders als alles, was sie bis dahin gesehen haben. Sobald sie diese neue
Qualität erkennen werden, d. h. große, helle und scharfe Bilder, werden sie
70 mm-Vorführungen vorziehen. Das Publikum wird jeden Film im 70mm-Format
auf der unbewussten Ebene weit intensiver wahrnehmen, weil das Gehirn drei-
bis viermal so Bildinformation pro Sekunde zu „verarbeiten“ hat. |
How Sensurround put me through College
By Greg Battas
I was in college in the mid 80's and I heard that Universal was trying to
get rid of their old
Sensurround equipment. |
Sensurround for Earthquake Commemoration
By Larry, the O
Was there an
interest in taking a second shot at Sensurround. This time, the occasion
was part of the 100th Anniversary of the great 1906 earthquake |
Visit to Manchester
By Mike Taylor
We started the tour with a visit to the Print Works Multi Screen
Cinema to see the Imax Screen. |
Weekend 2007
By Thomas Hauerslev
Full Weekend Program with cast and credits and many details
about movies, lectures and seminars. |
- an alternative to 65mm origination
By Ramon Lamarca Marques and Brian Guckian |
By the editor
Issue 10 of Cinema Retro has just hit the streets. This
issue features 64 pages about the glorious 1960s cinema.
Special interviews with Richard Johnson, Luciana Paluzzi,
Elke Sommer and David McCallum. Go back to a vintage decade
and re-experience rare posters and stills. |
• Go to
in70mm.com News 2007 |