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DP70 / AAII Projector

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1959 Super Technirama 70
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Cinerama 360
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in70mm.com Mission:
• To record the history of the large format movies and the 70mm cinemas as remembered by the people who worked with the films. Both during making and during running the films in projection rooms and as the audience, looking at the curved screen.
in70mm.com, a unique internet based magazine, with articles about 70mm cinemas, 70mm people, 70mm films, 70mm sound, 70mm film credits, 70mm history and 70mm technology. Readers and fans of 70mm are always welcome to contribute.

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DP70 / The Todd-AO Projector News

The web site is in three parts: a simple story about the the DP70 / Universal 70-35 Projector / Norelco AA11 machine and several lists of cinemas and serial numbers.

DP70s collected until now (to be updated):

• 45 countries with DP70
• 667 Serial Numbers
• 1073+ Theatres

• Go to DP70 / AAII / The Todd-AO Projector serial numbers: 0600 - 2532

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Missing DP70 numbers

= new information/images

Algeria | Argentina | Australia | Austria | Belgium | Brazil | Canada | Chile | China | Denmark | England | Finland | France | Germany | Holland | Hong Kong | Iceland | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Jamaica | Japan | Lebanon | Mexico | New Zealand | Malaya | Malta | Morocco | Northern Ireland | Norway | Philippines | Portugal | Rumania | Russia | Scotland | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | South Africa | Thailand | Tunis | USA |
Venezuela | Vietnam

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DP70s in Cinemas All over The World

Please send the following DP70 information to the editor:

• Serial number
• Present location (Cinema or private)
• City
• Country
• A picture(s)

• Go to All those who have helped finding DP70s

• Go to DP70s in Denmark

• 1693 + 1697 + 2189 located in Pittsburgh (PA)
• 2085+2158 installed at Vista, Hollywood
• Update on prototype, 1741, 1744, 1932, 1942, 2015, 2312 and 2439
• 2330 to KINO, Rotterdam, Holland
• 2442 to Gentofte Kino, Denmark
• 2159 + 2276 moved to new location
• 806 used as spares
• 1910+1912 being prepared with new shutters in Holland
• Picture from Halmstad, Sweden
• 885 to Italy
• Boston Light and Sound working on 2085, 2158, 2411, 739, 1377, 627
• Rosbeek Cinema installed 1705 in Filmhuis the Haque, Holland
• Update on 887, 888, 2309, 2329 & 2401 in Australia
• Machines #1384 & #1408 back at work in NY
• Machines 1774 & 1875 from Sweden are junked
• 2366 in Switzerland
• 1466 + 1469 in Australia
• 864 + 869 with Stephen Rowley, UK
• 651 + 652 now with Tim Burke
• 1920 + 1924 in Boston, Massachusetts
• 1492 + 1493 in Germany
• New images from Marocco and Oklahoma
• 2006 + 2007 added from Morocco
• 1984 + 1989 added
• New image from Switzerland and Africa
• New image of DP70 2125
• 2304 moved to Bob Leader
• 880+881 from Warner (DC), are scrapped
• 2311+2312 moved to the Academy, California (CA)
• 1352 is a now a museum exhibit in England
• 1513 was taken to the scrap dealer in April 2013
• 1960+1967 added to the list of DP70s in Virginia (VA)
• 2171 moved to new home in Denmark

• Go to DP70 - The Todd-AO Projector
• Go to
DP70 - News
Construction of the Philips “All Purpose” projector DP70
Philips Cinema, a division of Philips Electro Acoustics division (ELA), Eindhoven, Holland
The Cinema Department of the Philips works in Eindhoven (Netherlands) were asked to develop a special projector which had to be suitable for running 70mm films with magnetic sound tracks and which after replacement of some easily removable parts could be made suitable rapidly for the reproduction of 35mm films with optical sound track and of CinemaScope films with four magnetic sound tracks.
Jan Jacob Kotte
By Anton P Kotte
Philips is known all over the world for electrical shavers, food processors, consumer electronics and a "millon" other things. Little known today perhaps is that Philips was a leading company in manufacturing a series of outstanding motion picture projectors.
A Brief History of Philips Cinema
By C. G. Nijsen
The Philips Light bulb factory was founded in 1891 by Gerard Philips and Dr. Anton Philips. When the "Philips" brand became so successful, they decided to enlarge their scope from lamps only to everything electrical or electronic.
PHILIPS EQUIPMENT for picture projection and sound reproduction of TODD—A.O. 70mm FILM
By W. J. M. Jansen
The purpose of this paper is to explain the design of the Philips projector for the Todd-AO system. Change-over from 35mm. to 70mm. projection, and vice versa, should only take a few minutes to allow of both types of film being shown in the same performance.

• Go to Der Projector DP70 (PDF)


• Go to DP70 Advertising & Promotion

• PDF: The Philips Multi-Purpose Todd-AO Projector (DP70)
• PDF: Der Projector DP70
• PDF: Philips Cinema Equipment News
Three DP70 Brochures
• PDF:
North American DP70 brochure
• PDF: Norelco AAII Universal 70-35 Projector
• PDF: European DP70 Brochure
• PDF:
British Kinematograph - Philips DP70 (PDF)
Theatre Lists
• Norelco AAII / DP70 Theatre List (PDF)
Original 1957 DP70 invoice:
• Haus Savoy, Hamburg 1957
• Haus Savoy, Hamburg, Rechnung April 1957
• Haus Savoy, Hamburg, Rechnung December 1957


• Go to
Philips DP70 PDFs

On Monday April 8, 1963 Fred J Pfeiff, technical manager of the motion picture equipment department of Norelco (North American Philips), received the 1962 Class 2 Oscar plaque for:

"The design and engineering of the Norelco Universal 70/35mm motion picture projector".

• Go to You are in the Show with Todd-AO
• Go to
Todd-AO: Films and Cinemas

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DP70: The Story of the Todd-AO Projector

DP70: A Story of the Todd-AO Projector
By Thomas Hauerslev
Today, when most cinemas have converted to digital presentations, there is less need for the DP70 – or any other film projector – and most of the machines are now redundant, with notable exceptions such as the Schauburg, and other 70mm venues.
DP70: Die Geschichte des Todd-AO Projektors
Von Thomas Hauerslev
Heute haben die meisten Kinos auf digitale Vorfόhrverfahren umgestellt und der DP70 wird - wie auch alle anderen Filmprojektoren - nur noch selten benφtigt. In den meisten Kinos haben sie nun ausgedient, es gibt jedoch ein paar rόhmliche Ausnahmen wie etwa die Schauburg oder andere 70mm-Kinos.

70mm film projection lenses for the DP70
The Todd-AO system requires a very large optical system. The size of this system determines that of the lens holder. The lens is focused by means of the knob underneath the carriage over which the entire lens holder slides during focusing; this adjustment is free of any play. Special attention has been paid to the precision of this adjustment, since either a too fine or a too coarse adjustment may render focusing difficult.

• Wonderful stuff on the DP70s site – where do you find the time?!!

Jim Slater, Cinema Technology, England

• It's a great job you'v done! My compliments. Keep on!

Best regards, Volker Hannemann, Germany

• Very interesting website as I just have been looking it over.

Bill Dubiel, USA

• Hi, Enjoyed your wide-screen site very much.

Charles Slater, Australia

• Congratulations for all what you do in favour of DP70. I am a fan of these machines.

Best Regards, Gerard Cortιs, Spain.
• Your web site? YEAHHH, STILL GREAT!!!!

Best regards, Luc, France

• Just a quick note to congratulate you on your excellent website in respect of the Philips DP70, projector a machine I worked with for a few years at the Queens Theatre in Newcastle On Tyne. U.K.

Neil Thomson, Odeon Cinemas, Newcastle, England

• Us here at WPI (Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA) really appreciate your passion for the DP70 and commitment to keeping records on it!

Regards, Joe Murray


I think DP70s are a sight to behold in their own right and were the most visionary piece of engineering imaginable.

Trevor Wilson, Australia

• Go to more testimonials

• Go to DP70 - The Todd-AO Projector
• Go to
DP70 - News

Online: 02-06-1999. Updated: 16-03-2025