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Transcript of the Souvenir
"Man in the 5th Dimension"
The Billy
Graham Pavilion at the New York
World's Fair 1964
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The 70mm Newsletter
Transcribed by: Eric Paddon, History
teacher, County College Of Morris, New Jersey, USA |
Date: 6
March 2005 |
transcript is taken from both the souvenir LP Recording of the
soundtrack and a copy of a condensed version of the film, as it
was featured in the Graham ministry's 1965 movie "World's
Fair Encounter."
The film soundtrack can be found 2nd hand on the internet for around 15
in 70mm reading:
"Man in the 5th Dimension"
Todd-AO Films
Internet link:
This article first appeared on
September 2002. Reprinted by
kind permission from the author
Eric Paddon.
(Some initial
animation depicting geometric shapes, including a block gives
way to an opening shot that shows ocean waves breaking across a
beach. From right to left, a man walks across leaving his
footprints in the sand. Camera moves up into sky to reveal the
title card, then tilts down to show Reverend Billy Graham in
front of Mount Palomar Observatory)
Graham (On camera):
They call it a window on the universe. This 200 inch telescope
atop Mount Palomar in southern California. For on every clear
night of the year, an astronomer, in the observer's cage high up
in the silver dome, probes the limitless reaches of outer space.
On sensitive photographic film, the big 200 inch eye has
recorded the light of literally millions of stars. And the end
is not yet. For centuries, philosophers and scientists have
asked the question, where is the end? Where did it all come
from? Of course, science does not know the answer to these
questions. But we've learned enough. Through instruments like
this. To realize that our Earth is a mere grain of sand on the
vast seashore of the starry universe.
(The image of a star
field as seen through the telescope is shown)
(V.O.): Out beyond the
familiar constellations that dot our night sky, and beyond the
distant star clouds and clusters of the Milky Way, which is the
edge of our own galaxy, are other galaxies. Island universes so
far from us their light has taken millions of years, traveling
at the speed of six hundred and seventy million miles an hour,
to reach us. Within the range of our present telescopes are one
hundred million of these galaxies. Each made up of billions of
stars. These giant systems are rushing away from us at fantastic
speeds. In fact, the more distant the galaxy, the faster it is
Graham (On camera
in a studio set with photographs of starfields behind him. As he
goes on, he walks into a physics lab):
Many astronomers believe that all these galaxies are the same
age. And that they all started at the same place at the same
time. As Lincoln Barnett, the gifted author of the bestseller, The
Universe and Dr. Einstein, writes: "All the clues of
science point to a time of creation. When the cosmic fires were
ignited. And the vast pageant of the present universe was
brought into being." The Bible says, "In the beginning,
God created the heavens and the Earth." The Bible never
tries to prove the existence of God. It assumes it. The problem
is, too often man tries to subject God to the analysis of the
laboratory. But we cannot put God in a test tube and say here is
God, anymore than you can put a mother's love in a test tube and
say this is a mother's love. Of course the evidences of God are
all about us. At Palomar, we probe the limitless reaches of the
starry universe, and with the microscope we can see a universe
just as inscrutable, but so small, that our most powerful
instruments can only scratch the surface.
(The view of a drop
of water as seen through a microscope)
Graham (V.O.):
To the naked eye, a drop of pond water often contains minute
particles moving about. Under a microscope, the particles become
living organisms. The world of the protozoa. It doesn't take
long to reach the limits of the optical microscope. About a
hundred diameters will do it. But then we must turn to the
electron microscope.
(View through an
electron microscope)
Graham (V.O.):
A beam of electrons similar to the one that gives you a picture
on your television tube, allows us to study objects two
billionths of an inch in diameter. Magnifying a specimen up to
one million times. From the human body, a tiny bit of heart
muscle, vital in the task of pumping man's blood supply. Rods
and cones in the retina of the human eye. A few of the more than
one hundred million rods and six million cones that convey light
images to the optic nerve. Another marvel of the human body's
design and operation.
Graham (on camera):
What more eloquent evidence of the Creator's hand? No wonder
many of our scientists say there must be a God. But there are
other evidences of God's existence, even stronger than the
universe in which we live. For example, there's the conscience
within every man. A warning light that flashes when we do wrong.
Who put this voice within man to warn him of moral danger?
Philosophers and even politicians discuss what is moral and what
is not moral. Where did this sense of morality originate? We
know it is wrong to murder, but how do we know it is wrong? It
is the God given voice of conscience within. Having accepted the
fact of God, the next question we ask is, what kind of a person
is He? We've already seen evidence that He is a God of order,
design and perfection. But when we pick up the Bible, we
discover that God is much more. The Bible teaches that He is a
God of righteousness and holiness. The Bible teaches that He is
a God of judgment. That He is so pure that no impurity can stand
in His presence. But more. The Bible teaches that God is love.
And it is because God is love that He created the human race.
(View of California
Redwood Forest)
Graham (V.O.):
Man was made for fellowship with his maker. The Bible tells us
that when he became a living soul, he was placed in a paradise
and given the privilege of ruling over it. And the Bible tells
us that in the cool of the day, Adam walked with God in the
paradise garden eastward of Eden.
Graham (On camera
at base of redwood tree):
When God made man, He gave him the priceless gift of freedom.
Freedom of moral choice. A will of his own. He could obey or
disobey God. He was not created a puppet or a machine. He had
complete freedom of choice. And in the beginning, man chose to
love and obey God. As a result, his life was a paradise. But one
day, something happened. Man deliberately rebelled against God.
He willfully broke God's moral law. And man's special
relationship to God was broken. He began to suffer and die, as
the disease of sin entered the human race. He lost the peace,
joy and security that he had. The perfection of God's handiwork
was stained. Eden became for man, a Paradise Lost.
(The sight of a
muddy river. Newspaper headlines are superimposed over the scene,
reading: "War Clouds Loom"; "Race Hatred Explodes";
"Crime Rate Soars")
Graham (V.O.):
Springing from the ground like a crystal clear spring, intended
to be a river running through pleasant and productive pastures,
man chose to take a course that plunged down from the sunny
heights. Dashing against rocks and churning between deep sunless
cliffs, all generations yet unborn plunged downward with Adam,
infected by the disease of sin. And as God had warned Adam, the
penalty of sin is suffering and death.
(Aerial view of a
Graham (V.O.):
The story of the river is the story of man since Adam. Though we
lift our voices and cry for help, still we choose deliberately
as Adam did, the wrong way.
Graham (on camera):
As Winston Churchill once said, "Man has improved himself
everywhere, except morally." We've resorted to every means to
regain Paradise. Our motives have been good. Our attempts
commendable. But the Bible says they have all fallen short. But
God faced a dilemma. In spite of man's rebellion, God loved him.
But being just, how could He forgive man, unless the penalty of
sin had been paid? This was the question that God faced. And
with His love for man so strong, He immediately took the
initiative to restore the broken fellowship. To provide the
means for man's redemption. To the amazement of the whole
universe, God decided to become a man in the person of His son.
For full coverage of the worlds fair, go to
Graham Pavilion |
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