Go to
The Passing of Stefan Adler |
Thread" is released
in 70mm
Paul Thomas
Anderson: We
kind of hopefully
presented this
option, that if you wanna dig it this
way, it's there for
you. I prefer it. I
enjoy it. I think
it's a more well
balanced meal, just
in terms of the way
that it kinda comes
through the
projector and the
light and umm, and
things moving
around, and..... I
prefer it. But
certainly does not
mean you are not
gonna like the movie
if you have to see
it in any other way.
It also doesn’t mean
you gonna like it
any more. |

Go to Philips DP75 |

• Go to
Restoration of "My
Fair Lady" |

• Click the advert, or go to
DP70 News |
Help Required to
finance a
re-recording of
Miklos Rozsa film
Volker Hannemann
The Kickstarter project for “KING OF KINGS” has a financial goal of 40.000 Ł and ends on January 4, 2018.
This is an appeal to all of you to support this project! But why should you
contribute to this project? Maybe you love classic film scores, or maybe you are
a fan of Miklos Rozsa, or maybe you like big biblical 70mm epics? Whatever
reason it might be to get you onboard of this fascinating project, you can be
sure to contribute to something of value! So, please donate and share. |
back to the big
screen in 70mm
Warner Brothers
Warner Bros.
Pictures is giving
moviegoers a final
opportunity to see
Christopher Nolan’s
sweeping epic
“Dunkirk” on the big
screen. On December
1, 2017, the film
will be re-released
in a select limited
engagement in 50
IMAX and 70mm
locations in 34
domestic markets,
including New York,
Los Angeles,
Chicago, San
Francisco, Boston,
Washington DC,
Dallas, Atlanta, and
Toronto, among
others. |
in der Lichtburg
Von Ulrich Rostek
Film auf Film ist etwas besonderes, vor allem mit modernem hochauflösendem
Filmmaterial und vor allem in 70mm. Eine jungfräuliche Kopie - keine Kratzer,
kein Schmutz, ein felsenfester Bildstand. Das Filmkorn ist kaum wahrnehmbar,
aber dennoch gibt es dem Film etwas organisches, etwas lebendiges, etwas, das
einer digitalen Projektion leider abgeht. |
at the "Lichtburg"
By Ulrich Rostek
A film based movie performance is something unique, especially with modern high
resolution film stock, especially with 70mm film. A virgin print, no dust, no
scratches, an image steadiness like solid rock. The fine film grain is hardly
ever noticable and yet it adds something organic to the projected image,
breathes life into the moving picture; a phenomenon digital projection is
lacking - sadly. |

• Go to
Celebrating 40 Years of Spielberg’s “Close
Encounters of the Third Kind”: A 70mm Reference List |
Cinema as it Should
Be - 70MM at the Savoy
By Thomas Hauerslev
Why board an international
train and go across sea, land and bridges to see 70mm? Well, why not?
Especially if you can combine a visit to an original Todd-AO cinema, and see
a 70mm film at the same time.
It's not a coincidence I chose this cinema for this "Todd-AO Express"
mission. The Savoy in Hamburg was the very first purpose built Todd-AO
cinema in Europe. |
im "Haus Savoy"
PHILIPS Kinotechnik
Am 14. März 1957 wurde das neue Hamburger
Premierentheater im "Haus Savoy" eröffnet. Das "Savoy" ist von besonderem
Interesse, weil hier zum erstenmal in Deutschland der vielseitige und
modernste Kinoprojektor Philips DP 70 installiert wurde. Schon bei Beginn
des Baues stand fest, daß das Theater nicht nur für die allgemein üblichen
Projektionsverfahren eingerichtet werden sollte, sondern daß auch das
modernste Verfahren, Todd-AO mit Breitfilm, berücksichtigt werden sollte. |
Wonderful World of
the Brothers Grimm
in Bradford
By Johan Wolthuis
"Windjammer: The
Voyage of the
Christian Radich"
digitally restored
movie looked great
on the large curved
screen. From the
original 3-panel
elements it was
possible to save
this great movie for
future generations.
Producers David
Strohmaier and Randy
Gitsch did a great
job! Beautiful
images - a feast for
the eyes and ears. |
Passing of Richard C. Babish
Richard passed peacefully at home. He was a MIT graduate, class of 1940 and
was a Radiation Lab member and an optics developer for the Cinerama and
Cinemiracle movie companies. He joined the Perkin-Elmer Corporation in 1954
and worked in the optical department providing technical expertise for
numerous commercial and government projects. |
mystery sign
By Jan E Olsen
This sign was found
in a scrap container
last year, probably
after cleaning out
an old house. It was
given to the
Christian Radich
Foundation, the
charity that runs
the school ship
famous from the
movie Windjammer.
Does any body know
where this sign was
used? |
Australian 70mm Festival - Film is back!
By Sam McCabe
To coincide with the launch of "Murder on the Orient Express" on 70mm, the
Sun Theatre, Yarraville, Melbourne, Australia is hosting a whole week of 7
films on glorious 70mm. The festival will feature films new and old,
classics and cult. Old style presentation is back at the sun too, with every
film introduced, film programmes and intermissions on the longer films. |
Widescreen Weekend
Hannemann & Williams
"The Untouchables" was released under the Theatre Alignment Programme
created by LucasFilm
in 1983. 70mm prints
went out with a
letter in De Palma’s
name advising
projectionists that
70mm prints were
hard matted to the
2.35:1 aspect ratio,
meaning bars could
be visible at the
top and bottom of
the screen and
offering guidance on
the best
presentation. |
on the Orient
Express" Production
By 20th Century
What starts out
as a lavish train
ride through Europe
quickly unfolds into
one of the most
stylish, suspenseful
and thrilling
mysteries ever told.
From the novel by
best-selling author
Agatha Christie,
“Murder on the
Orient Express”
tells the tale of
thirteen strangers
stranded on a train,
where everyone’s a
detective Hercule
Poirot must race
against time to
solve the puzzle
before the murderer
strikes again.
Kenneth Branagh
directs and leads an
all-star cast
including Penelope
Cruz, Willem Dafoe,
Judi Dench, Johnny
Depp, Michelle
Pfeiffer, Daisy
Ridley and Josh Gad. |

• Go to
Louis de Rochemont's "Windjammer" in
Cinemiracle |
Installation and Operating Procedures
By R. H. McCullough
Cinemiracle uses a triple camera, using three 35 millimeter negatives. This results in the filming of a scene under a triple angle. Such a method gives, in principle, a vision in wide angle in the projection system, similar to that which one has in real life.
Cinemiracle is a system of photography and projection developed by National Theatres Amusement Company and first used by Louis de Rochemont in the production of "Windjammer".
• Go to
Operating Information for Handling Film
• Go to
Projection Operating Procedure |
Theatre Survey
By R. H. McCullough
Attached is a list of 205 theatres in the United States which have been surveyed for Cinemiracle. Out of this number of houses 102 are suitable for the Cinemiracle process.
There are several things to be considered in selecting a theatre for Cinemiracle. The theatre must be in good condition. Sometimes a small house with a large screen will be a great success. Huge houses with a large seating capacity and heavy overhead should be avoided.
• Go to
Cinemiracle Curved Screen Presentation
• Go to
Cinemiracle Flat Screen
• Go to Cinemiracle
Trailer Unit |
"Dersu Uzala" at the
National Film Center,
Tokyo, 7. October
By Eiji AOKI
the 7th October, a 70mm presentation was be held for the first time in
nearly 14 years in
Japan. "Dersu Uzala" (1975 USSR film by Akira Kurosawa), released in 1975 in Japan.
70mm print was used only for the 11-week Tokyo first-run.
Only two shows (11:00 &16:00) were programmed at National Film Center, in
celebration of UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (27 Oct.).
Dialogue in Russian, with Japanese subtitles. |
Faded 70mm prints have their
own special magic
By Thomas Hauerslev
Welcome to the thirteenth edition of the Todd-AO Festival
here at the prestigious Schauburg Cinerama in Karlsruhe. It
seems 13 is our lucky number this September. What started in
2005 with this catch line: "Come celebrate with us a BIG
weekend, with a BIG film format on a BIG screen", has now
entered it's teenage years. The catch line is still valid,
and in 12 years, and 13 festivals later, the Schauburg has
built up a core audience who comes back year after year.
Go to Verblasste
70mm-Filmkopien haben ihre ganz eigene Magie |

Go to
Where to see the
"Orient Express" in
7OMM? |

Go to
Todd-AO Festival Film Introductions, 2017
Go to Verblasste
70mm-Filmkopien haben ihre ganz eigene Magie
Go to Faded 70mm prints
have their own special magic
Go to GALLERY 13th
Todd-AO Festival, Schauburg Film Teater, Karlsruhe, Germany
Go to 13. Todd-AO 70mm-Festival. 22 -
24. September, 2017 |
Festival Film
Introductions, 2017
By Wolfram
Welcome to our celluloid extravaganza, at the Schauburg Cinerama in
Karlsruhe! I will be your anchorman for this weekend. As such I will
tell you bits and
pieces about the
films before each
screening and I will
do this in German
and English. To make it a little bit more
interesting let me tell you that I won’t repeat myself. So the things I
am telling you in German will be different from the things I am telling
you in English. |
70mm-Filmkopien haben ihre ganz eigene Magie
Von Thomas Hauerslev
Wir begrüßen Sie zur dreizehnten Auflage des Todd-AO Festivals im
renommierten Schauburg Cinerama in Karlsruhe. Die 13 ist in diesem
September scheinbar unsere Glückszahl. Das 2005 erstmals unter dem Motto
„Feiern Sie mit uns ein GROSSARTIGES Wochenende mit einem GROSSEN
Filmformat auf einer GROSSbildwand“ veranstaltete Festival ist
inzwischen aus den Kinderschuhen heraus. Das Motto ist allerdings immer
noch gültig und im Laufe von 12 Jahren bzw. 13 Festivals später hat die
Schauburg ein treues Stammpublikum gewonnen, das Jahr für Jahr
Go to
Faded 70mm prints have their
own special magic |
and Sheba”: The 70mm
By Mike Coate
presentations of
“Solomon and Sheba”
in North America.
The film’s 70mm
prints consisted of
full-frame imagery
derived from Super
photography and
featured discrete
stereophonic sound.
These were arguably
the best cinemas in
which to experience
this film. |
Last Valley”: The
70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
“The Last Valley”
was among four
confirmed first-run
films released in
1971 with 70mm
prints for selected
engagements. The
ABC/Cinerama release
was directed by
James Clavell and
starred Michael
Caine and Omar
Sharif. These were
performance, general
release bookings
(i.e. not roadshow…although
roadshow style
program booklets
were made
available). |
and Away”: The 70mm
By Mike Coate
“Far and Away” was
among ten confirmed
first-run films
released in 1992
with 70mm prints for
sixty-three 70mm
prints of the film
were reportedly
struck for
distribution in
North America, which
places it among the
large-format print
orders in history
and the highest in
Universal Studios’
history. |
The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
“Amadeus” was among
sixteen confirmed
first-run films
released in 1984
with 70mm prints for
engagements. The
Saul Zaentz Company
production and Orion
release — directed
by Milos Forman and
starring F. Murray
Abraham and Tom
Hulce — opened
exclusively in a
70mm limited release
on September 19th. |
Wiederaufführung der
Sprachfassung in
restaurierter 4K
Schauburg Cinerama
Press Bureau
Am Vorabend unseres
präsentieren wir den
Film erstmals in
einer digitalen
4K-Version, die von
einer original
abgetastet und
hochwertig digital
restauriert wurde.
Zu unserer
Sondervorstellung am
21. September um 20
Uhr erwarten wir
prominente Gäste,
die maßgeblich bei
der Entstehung des
Films beteiligt
waren. |
65th Anniversary
Event at the Cooper
in Casper
By Strohmaier,
Gitsch and March
Casper's Cooper Auditorium has hosted a special Cinerama Weekend over three
days to celebrate the 65th anniversary of Cinerama in the heart of Wyoming's
famed Cowboy Country.
The Cooper proved the perfect venue for the event. Wyoming Theater's owner
Randy Pryde has built this special auditorium at his Studio City Mesa West
theater complex as an homage to the glorious Cooper Theater. |
on the Orient
Express" in the
splendour of 7OMM
Thomas Hauerslev
Worldwide in-progress
7OMM Presentation Premiere list which has been has been edited based on internet foras,
reports by in70mm.com's readers and theater web sites. This page is
based on information
sent in by YOU! Call
your local cinema
and ask for the
authentic 7OMM
Experience. Just as
the director want
you to see his film. |
 Margaret Honda's 70mm
Kurzfilm "Spectrum Reverse Spectrum"
Von Gerhard Witte
"Spectrum Reverse Spectrum" ist ohne Kamera
entstanden, indem 70mm-Filmmaterial mit genau kalibriertem Farblicht auf
einer optischen Bank belichtet wurde. Das brillante, riesige Bild erzeugt
eine intensive Wahrnehmungserfahrung, die wiederum den eigenen Körper
bewusst werden lässt. |
Margaret Honda's 70mm
short, "Spectrum Reverse Spectrum"
By Gerhard Witte
"Spectrum Reverse Spectrum" is a camera-less film made by exposing 70mm
print stock to precisely calibrated colored light in a film printe. The subjective visual
effects of the film, enhanced by the size and brilliance of 70mm projection,
make you aware of the act of watching and so remind you of the body you
inhabit. |
70 – More than just a question of the format!
By Ingolf Vonau
Cinema was understood as an
ideological and cultural conveying institution under an absolute leadership
of the communist party and their hierarchical administrative practice. The
focus of the DEFA 70mm project was, therefore, to maintain the
attractiveness of cinema going, and to enhance it with 70mm wide film
technology. |
Report: See It Big
in 70mm
By Howard Haas
All Russian films
had brief
introductions by a
museum curator and
by guest curator Max
Carpenter who
organized them. My
favorite of the
trilogy was “The
Story of Flaming
Years” because the
WW2 scenes and
cinematography were
so great in 70mm.
Seeing these Russian
films on the big
screen, was
definitely a once in
a lifetime
opportunity, and
made for an exciting
day! |

• Go to
Oslo 7OMM Festival
• Go to Gallery
12th 70mm Film Festival Oslo,
Norway |
to set sail soon in
a new digital
By Randy Gitsch
RADICH” to set sail soon in a new digital version. Widescreen film fans
around the world will be thrilled to hear that a new, sharper, clearer
version of the 1958 three-panel picture has now been created by the Cinerama
Restoration Team. Its theatrical rollout is now nearing its kick-off and
will lead to a new Blu-ray launch next spring. |
Breaking Film in all
its 70mm - Todd-AO
Glory on Blu Ray!!
By Mark Lees
Final performance -
30th September 1962
- Total run 4 Years
5 months 2 Weeks !!
a total of 232
Weeks. They only had
two 70mm prints in
that time the number
of screenings at
this Cinema 2,551
performances!! in
London an unbroken,
record run that will
probably never be
equalled!! |
Shouldn't Destroy
the Natural History
Museum's IMAX
By James Hyder
The Smithsonian
National Museum of
Natural History in
Washington, DC, is
planning to close
its 18-year-old
Samuel C. Johnson
IMAX Theater on
Sept. 30. The plan
had not been
announced publicly
and only came to
light in mid-July,
when a group of
giant-screen film
producers, led by
Jonathan Barker of
SK Films and Taran
Davies of Cosmic
Picture, published
an open letter
calling for the
decision to be
delayed or reversed. |

• Go to
"Flying Clipper" in MCS 70
Superpanorama |

• Go to
"La Fayette" in
Weekend 2017
Cinerama pioneers
Dave Strohmaier and
Randy Gitsch return
to our shores once
more and enable us
to screen their
final digital
restoration of the
historic 3-panel
showing on
deeply curved,
louvered Cinerama
complete score of "The Great Race"
By Gerhard Witte
The 3-cd box set with an epic
art design by Jim Titus. The included booklet gives detailed information
about Mancini's score and the movie. The original film score is on CD1 and
CD2, and on CD3 is represented the LP-version released in 1965 – here
Mancini's album arrangements use a smaller group of players than the
original film score. |
“Lawrence of Arabia: The
Director’s Cut” — The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The “Lawrence of Arabia” re-release was among eighteen confirmed first-run films
(and two re-issues) released in 1989 with 70mm prints for selected engagements.
The Sam Spiegel production and Columbia release was directed by David Lean and
starred Peter O’Toole, Alec Guinness and Omar Sharif. |

Go to
"Dunkirk" filmed in 65mm with IMAX
cameras |
Honda's "Spectrum
Reverse Spectrum" in
Von/by KW Institute
for Contemporary Art
Margaret Honda
presents her color-field
film "Spectrum
Reverse Spectrum"
(2014). The camera
less film mines the
entirety of the
available color
spectrum of the 70mm
print stock as a
fluctuating entity
between a physical,
produced body, and
an elusive
concept that reveals
the gulf between the
measurable and
experiential. |
Brief History of
By Mark Lyndon
Nolan applies this
dictum by ditching
conventional plot
and narrative
structure in favour
of something far
more complex and
subtle. Dialogue as
in Kubrick's "2001"
is used very
Underpinning the
frantic timing,
suspense and action
of "Dunkirk" is a
deeply philosophical
meditation on the
nature of time
itself and how it is
perceived. Time, is
the great theme and
preoccupation of
Nolan's film works,
"Interstellar" and
now "Dunkirk". |
Weekend in London
By Mark Lyndon
And so the Pilgrim returns, oftentimes to travel great distances to bear
witness to what is surely a great spiritual as well as artistic experience.
One such Pilgrim was our own editor, Thomas Hauerslev, who traveled from
Copenhagen to London
to bear witness. As
a pilgrim, albeit
one residing within
ten minutes walk of
The BFI IMAX, it was
a pleasure to host a
fellow pilgrim. Like
Chaucer's pilgrims
before us, we were
based in Southwark. |
Quartz Products Xenon Lamps for Large Format Projection
By Dennis Losco Jr
Our family owned and operated company is passionate about what we do, hence
the 60th anniversary and because we share this enthusiasm with our staff,
they tend to stay! We understand the importance of reliability, nobody wants
lost shows due to lamp failures and we offer 1200 hours warranty for the
theatres peace of mind. Theatres who use our lamps enjoy these benefits. We
realize large format theatres are unique, so we have made it possible to
arrange payment plans to spread the costs. |
in 70mm IMAX at the Langley theater
By Scott Pickering
I forgot how smooth IMAX film is on screen. And the detail mixed in with that.
Shots from air showing the water and beach areas for example were very detailed.
I didn’t care much for the hand held work in the film, as it was too jarring to
watch. But I understood why they shot it that way. IMAX works better when the
image is steady so you can actually see the detail in the shots. |
70mm Film Projectors Ready to Go!
David Granadino
Having seen the film at the Cinerama Dome and Universal City Walk IMAX,
I must say that this film was made for IMAX and works well in this medium.
The huge IMAX screen swallowed the viewer into the picture with clear sharp
pictures. The Cinerama screen surrounded the viewer in great huge panoramic
scenes but in softer tones. Both theaters surrounded the audience with clear
and high volume sound. |
of the West”: The Roadshow Engagements
By Mike Coate
A historical listing of the roadshow
engagements of “Custer of the West” in North America. These
presentations utilized 70mm prints derived from
Super Technirama photography and were projected onto large,
deeply-curved screens and featured discrete six-track stereophonic
sound. The seating was reserved at advanced prices with an average of
ten scheduled screenings per week. The cinemas in which these special
presentations played also sold souvenir programs.
• Go to:
70mm Engagements |
Presentations in Honolulu
By Claude Ayakawa & Michael Coate
Continuing the “Showcase Presentations in…” series, we now proudly
present: Honolulu, Hawaii.
A Chronology of Large Format and Roadshow Exhibition, 1957-Present. The
Cinerama Theatre was located on the outskirts of downtown Honolulu near the
Waikiki district. It was once the Pawaa Theatre, a
neighborhood house that was converted in 1962 to a 3-strip Cinerama
venue for the Hawaii premiere of “The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm”
at which time the theatre was renamed the Cinerama.
• Go to:
70mm Engagements |
IT BIG!" 70MM Series
By MoMI, New York
Museum of the Moving Image will present its popular summer series See It
Big! 70mm, featuring nine classic and contemporary films that will be
projected in 70mm in the Museum’s majestic Sumner M. Redstone Theater, July
19 through August 27. The series opens on Wednesday, July 19, with a preview
screening of "Dunkirk" |
A personal first impression
By Mark Trompeteler
In “Dunkirk” Christopher Nolan has produced a mass audience, wide age
demographic, intelligent epic war film for modern times. I
was a little disappointed in the film at first viewing. I was expecting
something a little short of a masterpiece. However, this really is a “must
see” film in 70mm if you are a 70mm enthusiast. This is a film I definitely
want to see again. |
of the BFI "Dunkirk" preview
By Mark Lyndon
British Film Institute, the most prestigious organisation in the U.K,
devoted to The Seventh Art, screened a preview of Dunkirk on Thursday July
13, in the NFT. Nolan finally arrived twenty minutes late, flanked by two
minders in the shape of BFI Grande Dame Heather Stewart and spouse cum
fellow executive producer Emma Thomas. |
Production Notes
Warner Brothers
“Dunkirk” opens as
hundreds of
thousands of British
and Allied troops
are surrounded by
enemy forces.
Trapped on the beach
with their backs to
the sea, they face
an impossible
situation as the
enemy closes in. The
story unfolds on
land, sea and air.
RAF Spitfires engage
the enemy in the
skies above the
Channel, trying to
protect the
defenseless men
below. Meanwhile,
hundreds of small
boats manned by both
military and
civilians are
mounting a desperate
rescue effort,
risking their lives
in a race against
time to save even a
fraction of their
army. |
- Wie alles begann
Von Brian O'Brien, Jr.
Eines Abends
sagte er schließlich: „In Ordnung, Doktor, ich gebe auf. Ich habe mir die
Firmen angeschaut, die Sie genannt haben, und American Optical scheint die
beste Lösung zu sein. Was soll ich jetzt tun?“ „Gut“, sagte mein Vater, „ich
treffe mich nächsten Dienstag mit Walter Stewart, dem Präsidenten von AO
zum Mittagessen. Kommen Sie doch einfach nach
Southbridge und essen Sie mit uns!“ |
How It All Began
By Brian O'Brien, Jr.
Finally, he called one night and said "OK Doctor, I give up. I
have been looking into the companies you mentioned and American Optical
looks like the best bet. What do I do now?" "Fine" said my dad,
"I am having
lunch with Walter Stewart, President of AO next Tuesday.
Why do you not come up to Southbridge and have lunch with us?". |
Brian O'Brien, Jr.
tracks American Optical Co's development of the Todd-AO process
By Thomas Hauerslev
Between 1953 and 1956,
Brian O'Brien, Jr.'s secretary made a scrapbook with newspaper and
trade magazine clips about the development of Todd-AO.
A green ring binder with 132 pages of clippings, adverts and stories
about one of the most significant films formats from the 20th century. It
has been one of my goals to make all this available on in70mm.com for many
years. Here it is as PDF files, and organized page by page in a very low-tech manner. |
Captains and the
Kings depart
By Mark Lyndon
That weekend, Loren introduced "West" to a spellbound Pictureville audience and
gave us fascinating insights into the creation of some of the most thrilling
scenes in the whole of cinema. He joined us for breakfast at the hotel and
shared some wonderful anecdotes of his life and times in the greatest film
industry of them all. Those times are now over, but what a legacy! |
a 7OMM presentation
By David
The sunny paradise
of the Amazon island
was so much brighter
in the digital
projection yet
something was
lacking in what I
called depth, or the
illusion of a 3-D
effect that film can
achieve. The sound
in both
presentations was
fantastic, with the
Cinerama Dome
digital surround
sound system
creating a deep bass
sound that could
vibrate the seats. |
Short history of the
Amphitheatre in
Banska Bystrica
Michal Jaso
New official
screenings and music
festival shows began
in 2014 with very
good responses.
Eventually we were
able to reconstruct
the original
projectors into
fully operational
state. We even added
a DTS system for
70mm to be able to
show DTS titles. The
two interesting
things about this
amphitheatre is that
according to our
information, it's
now the only 70mm
open air cinema in
operation in Europe |
first German 70mm
(1962) will hit the
market as 4K UHD,
Blu-Ray and DVD July
28, 2017
Scanned in 4K from
an original new 70mm print and digitally high-quality
restored, "FLYING CLIPPER" now unfolds in the home cinema
with the same brilliance as at the time on the cinema screen. In addition to
the classic original sound, a completely new sound design has been created
in Dolby Atmos, which lets you experience the thunderous racing atmosphere
of Monaco in the middle of the room.
• Go to
4K von der original
70mm Kinokopie
restauriert |

• Go tvo
Where to see
"Dunkirk" in 5/70 &
15/70 (IMAX) |
Format Cinema as Communal Virtual Reality
Mark Trompeteler
A meeting and subsequent interview with Douglas Trumbull and Mark, continued a
series of articles on The Future of Cinema, by Mark Trompeteler, that were
featured in a number issues of Cinema Technology magazine. In this two part
interview they discuss issues surrounding the pursuit of “The Holy Grail” of
large format cinema technology – cinematic virtual reality. |
CLIPPER will hit the
market as 4K UHD,
Blu-Ray and DVD July
28, 2017
Abgetastet in 4K von der original 70mm Kino-Kopie und digital hochwertig restauriert,
entfaltet "FLYING CLIPPER" nun im Heimkino die gleiche Brillanz wie
seinerzeit auf der Kinoleinwand. Neben dem klassischen Originalton wurde ein
komplett neues Sound-Design in Dolby Atmos erstellt, mit dem sich unter anderem
die donnernde Renn-Atmosphäre von Monaco mitten im Raum erleben lässt. |
Box Theatre 70mm
The Music Box
Theatre is proud to
bring you a two week
festival of films
presented in
glorious 70mm on the
big screen. To
honour our
commitment to film
projection, the
Music Box is very
pleased to have
commissioned a brand
new 70mm DTS print
of "2OO1: A Space
Odyssey" from Warner
Brothers, produced
at Fotokem, the last
full service 65/70mm
lab in the United
States. |
Retro's Issue 38 now
By Thomas
Issue 38 just
arrived in
Copenhagen with a
wealth of
information about
films from the '60s
and '70s. Cover
story this time is
17 page special
about "The Dirty
Dozen" from 1967
written by Brian
Hannan. The classic
WW2 film was blown
up to 70mm, and
presented as a road
show feature - the
tag line was:
"Presented in
Spectacular GIANT
SCOPE of 7OMM" |
• Go to
Schauburg's Technicolor Film Festival
• Go to Gallery:
Technicolor Festival @ the Schauburg |
Would “Proudly” Wait Three Days in Line
By Omid
We would “proudly” wait three days in line to see the March 1971 Columbia
Pictures re-release of "Lawrence of Arabia" in 70MM, which was only
shown in one Cinema (same venue as 1963 presentation), the Central Cinema.
Our family took turns standing in line during those three days! There must
have been over Thousand people at any given time, either trying to push or
shove others out of line, or sneak into the line as Black Marketers |

• Go to
Mike Todd's "Around
the World in 80
Days" |
and cast/credit of Michael Todd's "Around the World in 80 Days"
Edited by Thomas Hauerslev
"Around the World in 80 Days" was
filmed simultaneously in two different film speeds: Todd-AO standard of 30
frames pr. second, and Todd-AO sub-standard 24 frames pr. second, for the
35mm reduction prints. Both negatives are 65mm wide. |

• Go to
"Around the World in
80 Days"
Advertising" |
Presentations in
By Michael Coate,
Tim O’Neill and
Tamir Sharif
The duration of the
measured in weeks,
has been included
for each entry in
following the cinema
name. Note that some
of the presentations
included in this
listing may have
been presented in
35mm during the
latter weeks of
engagement due to
print damage and the
unwillingness to
supply a 70mm
replacement print or
because the booking
was moved to a
smaller, 35mm-only
auditorium within a
Presentations in
Presentations in
Louisville |
back at work at the
Paramount Theatre in
Peekskill, NY
By Helge Bernhardt
I've been working
over the last months
with the current
operators of the
Paramount Theatre in
Peekskill (NY, US),
on getting the
projection booth up
and running again!
The theater hasn't
run film in over 15
years and are ready
to give it another
try. |
Swadkins Passed Away
By Bill Lawrence
It is with sadness
that we received the
news that Keith
Swadkins had passed
away. Keith had long
been a great
champion of
Cinerama, passionate
fan of the format
and films, and a
friend to fellow
enthusiasts around
the world. Many will
have met and
developed a
friendship with him
at the Widescreen
Weekend in Bradford
each year, as Keith
and his wife Brenda
turned up to renew
old acquaintances
and impress
newcomers with his
knowledge. |
Cinérama Itinérant (Itinerama)
Cinerama's Mobile Tent Theatres
By Gerhard Witte
A top priority of Nicolas Reisini, CEO of Cinerama,
Inc. from '60 to '63, was
to bring 3-strip projection to the widest possible audience, above all to the
population in the countryside. Consequently, he
created in a showmanly way a portable Cinerama, the so-called "Itinerama"
which premiered in France in Mantes-la-Jolie on
Monday, 4 September 1961 – "Why go to Paris or London to experience Cinerama,
when Cinerama can come to you?!" |
Report from Widescreen Weekend 1996
By Thomas Hauerslev
Seeing old prints, faded clips, looking for join lines, the smell of
magnetic sound, hearing tape hiss, seeing "Intermission" signs, is all part
of the show in Bradford. The week-end in Pictureville came to an end. I owe
much thanks to the staff there, especially Mr Bill Lawrence, Mr Tony Cutts,
Mr Duncan McGregor and Mr. Dick Vaughan for making it unforgettable, highly
interesting and for making me feel so welcome.
• Go to Gallery:
Widescreeen Weekend 1996
• Go to:
Weekend 1996 |
Weekend 1996
By Thomas Hauerslev
Bill Lawrence introduced the
show and told the story of how the staff had worked hard to make
this work. There was a big applaud for Tony and Duncan from the
audience, and Bill Lawrence continued: "Without the
Cinerama Rumour Factory this show
would never had taken place".
The Widescreen Weekend is a celebration of all that is extraordinary in large format film and
the audiences clearly prefer the curve to the flat screen.
• Go to Gallery:
Widescreeen Weekend 1996
• Go to Mission Report:
Pictureville Cinema, Wide Screen
Weekend 1996 |
2011, 2010,
2009, 2008,
2007, 2006,
2005, 2004,
2003, 2002,
1994 |
2012 |
Notes on Shooting "Lawrence of Arabia"
Stereo Surround On 70mm
“Todd-AO theater in Săo Paulo, Brazil |
2007 |
Grant's Blow-up Blog
Miklos Rozsa
The true history of Circlorama 1962-65 |
2002 |
of "Lewis and Clarke" in IMAX
How The West Was Won -
in Cinerama
Things Movies Taught You |
1997 |
The Basics of The
Rolling Loop IMAX Projector
Dimension 150 Driving Simulator
Movies Are Never What They
Seem |
7OMM Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following are
lists of the 70mm
engagements of a
hand full of film
titles in North
“Lawrence of Arabia"
of the West”
Presentations in Honolulu
“Divine Madness”
“Let’s Spend the
Night Together”
“E.T. - The Extra
“The Dark Crystal”
“The Bear”
“The Bear” (also
known as “L’Ours”)
“The Big Blue”
“One from the Heart”
“Can’t Stop the
“Superman II”
“Superman III”
“Yes, Georgio”
“The Entity”
“The Great Race”
“The Dirty Dozen”
“The Manitou”
“Where Eagles Dare”
Muppet Movie”
Black Hole”
“Hanover Street”
“Grease” and “Grease
Trouble in Little
“Absolute Beginners”
Presentations in St.
Presentations in
Presentations in
Presentations in
Presentations in the
Silicon Valley
Presentations in
Presentations in
• Go to
• Go to
in70mm.com's list of
films blown up to

• Go to
in70mm.com auf
Deutsch |

• Go to
in70mm.com news 2017 |

Go to DP70 /
The Todd-AO Projector News |
Three-Dimensional Cinematography in Russia
By Alexander Melkumov
Our company as scientific & creative program "STEREOKINO" was created by a
group of people for the purpose of improving and developing the 3D movie in
Russia. One of the founders of our company is the director of stereokino
labоrаtоry in NIKFI (Russian Scientific Research Cinema and Photo Institute)
- Sergey Rozhkov.
• Go to films in
Stereo-70 Three-Dimensional Cinematography in Russia |
Notes from the 12th
7OMM Seminar in Krnov, Czech Republic
By Thomas Hauerslev
I like the fact it is actually
real film - scratches, dust and all - shown on film projectors by people for people. I appreciate
that someone is doing the work upstairs that requires skills, expertise, and
an understanding of showmanship. An experience with Reel People projecting a
film for you. It's the real thing! It does not get more authentic than this.
• Go to gallery
12th 7OMM Seminar
Gallery |

• Go to
Where to see
"Dunkirk" in 5/70 &
15/70 (IMAX) |
"Dunkirk" in the
splendour of 7OMM
Where to see the film in 5/70 & 15/70 (IMAX)
Want to see "Dunkirk" on real film, in the splendour of 7OMM? This is a
Worldwide in-progress 7OMM Presentation Premiere list which has been
has been edited based on internet foras, reports by in70mm.com's readers and
theater web sites. Please note, this list is based on facts, and readers
calling their local cinemas, asking for the authentic 7OMM Experience, as
the director want you to see his film. |
Digital Sound - System Overview
Ronald E. Uhlig &
Howard J. Flemming
I hope this introduction to Cinema Digital Sound has helped you understand some
of the excitement we have regarding the future of motion picture sound. Analog
sound tracks for motion pictures have been around for about 50 years now. We
fully expect that 1991 will mark the turning point and that Cinema Digital Sound
will become the standard sound system for the next 50 years. The reaction of
those who have heard it, from industry experts to the average theater goer,
certainly points in that direction. |
Strikes Back
By David Harvilla & Jack Winemiller
The Negative, is about a large format still photographer and his
journey in the wilderness of the American West. The film is a love letter to the
John Ford western The Searchers, which was
filmed in Monument Valley, a red-sand desert region on the Arizona-Utah border,
which the production team of The Negative also chose as their shooting location.
The scale of the landscape and theme of The Negative called for an epic shooting
format. After exploring different options and formats, the filmmakers decided to
originate the film on VistaVision. |
in 7OMM sells out at the ARCADIA
By Francesco Gualeni
The 630 patrons have experienced "2OO1" in a total silence, no mobile screen was turned on, aware that they were
seeing not only a masterpiece on the huge ENERGY screen, but a way to shoot &
project the movie that is now vanishing. It was good to see a lot of young
people, seeing the
movie for the very first time. |
Film Weekend in Centrum Panorama Varnsdorf, Czech Republic
By Zdenek Stepanek
On behalf of 70 mm Cinema Panorama in Varnsdorf, Czech Republic, on the
border with Germany, we would like to invite you to a 70mm Weekend which
will be held from 11th until 14th May, 2017 within the 14th Film Festival
Nisa. Viewers will have a unique experience to watch large format films
projected onto a panoramic screen about the size of 120 m2. We've got a long
weekend full of special movies that are rarely shown at similar events or
not at all, but also the very best of world cinema. |
Oslo 70mm Festival
By Jan E Olsen
The Norwegian film
institute proudly
presents the 12th
Oslo 70mm festival 25. August - 3. September 2017.
The program is a mix
of vintage original
prints, blow-ups and
restored classics.
This festival,
dedicated to a movie
format that was
introduced more than
50 years ago, is a
dream for many movie
fans around the
world. |
historie 70mm kina
Eden v Plzni
By Ludek Brejcha
A tak v roce 1967 proběhla
premiéra 70mm filmu Old Shatterhand ve zcela zrekonstruovaném kinu, jehož
celý název zněl „Panoramatické kino Eden”. Kino si získalo velkou popularitu
díky skvělému obrazu a zvuku. Návětěvníci se sjižděli z celého kraje /byly
pořádány zájezdy/. Na mnoha místech v Plzni byly instalovány plechové tabule
- směrníky, udávající směr ke kinu Eden. |
Cinema Eden, Pilsen,
Czech Republic
By Ludek Brejcha
I'm former professional projectionist from Pilsen, Czech Republic and
now I'm a fan of all aspects of film and projection techniques. In Pilsen,
there was a cinema called EDEN for 70 and 35mm projection, and
"my" cinema, the HVEZDA (The Star).
Both cinemas EDEN and HVEZDA are closed. Projectors ended up God knows
where. |
films were probably never shown in Super Technirama 70?
By Thomas Hauerslev
Far from all Technirama films were given the 70mm treatment, and simply
released in 4-perf Technirama. For many years in the 70mm enthusiast
community, some Technirama titles have given rise to speculation. "Were
70mm versions released, or not?". in70mm.com lists 9 films,
which may have been shown in 70mm somewhere in major markets. Comments and
information about "Which films were probably never shown in Super Technirama
70?" is most welcome, and will be included in the page. |
the Prince Charles Cinema in London's West End
By Thomas Hauerslev
The Prince Charles Cinema have many posters on display on their facade, many
of which are of their own design. The tag "Presented in 7OMM 6 Track
Dolby Stereo" is prominently placed with BIG letters on the posters. It
is very nice to see this kind of showmanship still being used to promote
70mm in London. Take a look at their web site too - search for "70mm", and
you can see the same logos and advertising. If you are in London, do check
out their web site and go back to memory lane for some 70mm magic.
• Go to the gallery Prince Charles Cinema,
London's West End, UK |

• Go to gallery
3 Falke Bio, Denmark
Go to
First Todd-AO
Theatre in
Scandinavia |
Draper interviewed
Mikael Barnard
I started work at the Casino on 19 September 1954, eleven days before
opening night on 30 September. We had to pick it up quickly but we did many
rehearsals and were well prepared. I started with the début screening of
This is Cinerama, and then in 1956 we ran Cinerama Holiday. I left in 1957
for a job at MGM British Studios at Borehamwood where I worked in the
preview theatre |
esplendor do 7OMM
By Paulo Roberto P. Elias
Quando Oliver! foi exibido no Vitória, o cinema ficou abarrotado. A
expectativa em torno do filme e da estória atraiu o grande público.
Tivesse Carol Reed se proposto a mais uma versăo em filme do romance
clássico “Oliver Twist”, escrito por Charles Dickens, o impacto talvez
năo tivesse sido o mesmo. Mas, se tratava de uma megaproduçăo, com sets
em larga escala no estúdio, poucas cenas rodadas em locaçăo, controle
total de uma produçăo baseada em uma versăo musical da estória. |
Prevost 70/35 projectors at Ariston Cinema in Meran
By Dietmar Zingl
Not much is know about the abandoned Prevost 70/35 projectors at
the Ariston cinema in Meran, Italy / South Tirol. As far as we know, the
Prevost-projectors have been removed and saved and stored in a kind of
technical museum in Bozen/Bolzano. Did the Ariston ever show films in 70mm?
Maybe some in70mm.com readers can share some stories about it? |
Why 70mm Matters
By Brian Walters
The 70mm format has experienced a phoenix like re - birth due to the efforts
of film makers like Christopher Nolan, Paul Thomas Anderson and Quentin
Tarantino, who have against the odds, released films using the large
negative 70mm release print format, after being instrumental in brokering a
deal with the six major Hollywood studios to guarantee the availability of
Eastman Kodak film negative for a further five years. |
Cinema like
never before in Munich, Germany
By Anders M. Olsson
I heard that the Film Museum in Munich was
going to show a couple of the digitally restored Cinerama titles, as well as
David Strohmaier’s documentary “Cinerama Adventure”. David Strohmaier couldn’t be there to introduce the films
and he suggested me as his replacement. Much to my
surprise, the museum agreed to cover the cost of my flight and hotel room, so
off I went to Munich on January 6 2017.
• Go to
Welcome to “Cinerama Adventure”
• Go to
to “This is Cinerama” |
12th 70mm Film Fest Krnov 2017
The next 70mm Film Fest regularly taking place in Krnov is knocking
on the door again.
After a year the majestic cinema Mir 70 will become a place where true
film fans of celluloid from many European counties - especially
enthusiasts loving widescreen format - will meet. Three days of a rare
occasion to see great 70mm movies screened on a 105 square meters of
slightly curved screen and good opportunity to remember history of “old
school” cinema technology in today's sterile digital era. |
Restoration of DP70 #1820
By Emiel de Jong
DP70 no. 1820 is back almost where it was born: it's now on permanent
display in the lobby of "Centrum Hofdael", arthouse cinema / general
art-centre in Geldrop, close to Eindhoven, The Netherlands. |
Making of ‘Ellston Bay’
By Nicholas Eriksson
Principal photography on the ambitious
large-format short film ‘Ellston Bay’ concluded recently, marking the first
time in a very long period that the 35mm VistaVision format has been
utilised exclusively for a dramatic production. Below, Director and
Cinematographer of the project Nicholas Eriksson talks further about the
challenges of originating on VistaVision, and the benefits of using such a
large negative area.
• Go to
Gallery: Photography at the Pinewood
Studios' Underwater Stage |
Stallion" filmed in Superama 65mm by Fatali Eye Productions
By Fatali
I am so thrilled to be chosen by Clyde Lucas to become a partner filming
Comanche Stallion. This script was the legendary John Ford’s pet film
project, which never reached the screen. Comanche Stallion, based on the
novel by Tom Milstead, it’s the story of the Comanche’s search for a
mystical horse, while suffering the wrath of General Lathrop. Ford wanted
Burl Ives for the role of the general, but Ives’ health was not up to the
task, and Ford’s own health also failed. |
The Thrill of a
A Diary from the
set of "Cinerama Holiday"
By Betty York
Even on the 12th of January, Christmas is still hanging on with trees and
tinsel seen occasionally in restaurants and stores. We finally met the great
man himself - De Rochemont. We were both so scared we felt like dolts and
could hardly speak. After all, what can one say to a person so great as he
must be to produce the fine movies which we have seen. |
John Harvey
By Tom March
I just got back from
visiting John Harvey
in Dayton Ohio where
he has been living
at the Pinnacle
Pointe Nursing and
Centre since 1998.
Never ceasing to
amaze, John had a
big new curved
screen TV set up in
his room and, when I
arrived, it was all
cued up to run the
Rockaway Playland
roller coaster. |
By Thomas Hauerslev
Co si máme představit pod pojmem systém
Todd-AO? Todd-AO je sedmdesátimilimetrový film s obrovským rozlišením a
ostrostí, který se promítá na obří plátno rychlostí posuvu 30 políček za
vteřinu. Svou nedostižnou kvalitou obrazu je sedmdesátimilimetrový film
nesmírně působivý právě díky velikosti obrazového pole a vysoké snímkové
frekvenci. Negativ je 4 x větší než klasický 35mm širokoúhlý film.
Systém Todd-AO se stal vzorem pro 65mm a 70mm film a inspiroval filmový
průmysl po celých šedesát let od svého vzniku. Sedmdesátimilimetrový filmový
formát si dnes často spojujeme zejména s historickými velkofilmy a muzikály
60. let. |
screening & Report of visit to the studios in Los Angeles
Fred C. Matthews and Frank Riffle, August 1955
Projection equipment was a Phillips
70mm projector containing both 6 track magnetic pickup equipment and a
single track optical pickup built in the projector itself. Picture and sound
quality was excellent. The light source utilized was a Peerless Hicandescent
arc lamp operating at 180 amperes with National Carbon Company Hitex 13.6mm
positive carbon. |

• Go to The Thrill of a
Lifetime |

• Go to
70mm Release Summary Sydney
• Go to
Centre on George Street |
Pitt Centre |
Hoyts Entertainment Centre |
Village Cinema City
• Go to
CinemaScope 55
Spherical |
Super Panavision 70 |
Super Technirama 70 |
Todd-AO |
Ultra Panavision 70 |
VistaVision |
Go to
Brian Guckian
Go to
Wolfram Hannemanns
Go to
Gerhard Witte

• Go to
12th Oslo 70mm Festival 2017 |
Showcase Presentations in
By Mike Coate
The “roadshows” have been listed with an asterisk following the applicable
titles. These were reserved-seat engagements with advanced pricing and
limited, scheduled showtimes (typically ten-per-week or two-a-day). Souvenir
programs were usually sold and often the presentations included an overture,
intermission, entr’acte, and exit music. |