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"War and Peace" in Amsterdam 9. November 2013
Presented in Sovscope 70 with full 6-track magnetic sound |
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12.10.2013 |
Bondarchuk's "War and Peace" ("Vojna I Mir")
will be shown in Amsterdam at the EYE film museum on 9. November 2013. The
presentation will be in original
Sovscope 70. The 70mm print comes from the
Royal Film Archive in Brussels in Belgium.
First half is very faded Eastman color, but the second half is reported to
be in "glorious" Orwo color. This print runs 337 minutes (5 hours and 37
minutes) and a "short" version of the original 432 minutes running time.
"War And Peace"
was released in several European countries in 1967/68 in two parts. Only
very few prints of this epic exist today, and this is one of 5 70mm prints
known to in70mm.com. The sound is of course 6-track magnetic, however, some
wear and tear is to be expected from this rare print. The print is in
Russian with Dutch and French subtitles.
This unique 70mm screening is introduced by
Gerwin van der Pol (Professor of Media Studies at the UvA).
Known 70mm Prints of "War and Peace":
Norwegian Film Archive,
Oslo. Danish print with Danish subtitles
NMM Archive, Bradford, UK
Royal Belgian Archive. Russian with Dutch and French subtitles
Academy Archive, Los Angeles
Bundesfilmarchive, Berlin. German language dubbed
More in 70mm reading:
Seeing "War and Peace" in 70mm is so rare.
It is like a very fine wine. You HAVE to appreciate it
Sovscope 70
Oslo 70mm Film Festival
Internet link:
"War And Peace" at Eye, Amsterdam
"War and Peace" Wiki
Sergei Bondarchuk Wiki
"War and
Peace" @ imdb
Naked Film Making
summary of the story
Eight-hour epic based on the book of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. Two main
story-lines are complex and intertwined. One is the love story of young
Countess Natasha Rostova and Count Pierre Bezukhov, who is unhappy in his
marriage. Another is the "Great Patriotic War" of 1812 against the invading
Napoleon's Armies. The people of Russia from all classes of society stand up
united against the enemy. The 500,000 strong Napoleon's army moves through
Russia and causes much destruction culminating in the battle of Borodino.
The Russian army has to retreat. Moscow is occupied, looted and burned down,
but soon Napoleon loses control and has to flee. Both sides suffer
tremendous losses in the war, and Russian society is left irrevocably
changed. Written by Steve Shelokhonov from imdb.com
See "War and Peace" on YouTube: 2:20 "War and Peace" Part 1 1:33 "War and Peace" Part 2 1:17 "War and Peace" Part 3 1:33 "War and Peace" Part 4 6:43 |
transport boxes. Images by Herbert Born
"Oorlog en vrede" (Vojna i mir) 70mm Sergej Bondartsjoek (SU 1967)
Taal: Russisch, ondertitels: Nederlands, Frans, 337 min
Oorlog en vrede geldt met recht als een monsterproductie. Tienduizenden
figuranten werden opgetrommeld voor Bondartsjoeks extreem gedetailleerde
reconstructie van het Rusland van rond 1812. Vertoning op 70mm. [‘Ruskino
1913-2013: de vele gezichten van de Russische film’, t.g.v. het Nederland-Ruslandjaar]
Deze monumentale verfilming van de roman van Tolstoj is een adembenemend,
zeven uur durend kijkspel dat zich niets aantrekt van modegrillen of
stijlopvattingen. Naast het zo spectaculair mogelijk in beeld brengen van
strijdende mensenmassa’s besteedt Bondartsjoek veel aandacht aan de
filosofische bespiegelingen van Pierre Bezoechov, gespeeld door Bondartsjoek
zelf. Hij twijfelt aan de zin van oorlog, terwijl zijn tegenpool, de vorst
Bolkonski, louter roem nastreeft. Bondartsjoek vond dat ‘de machtige,
grenzeloze, majestueuze rijkdom van het leven’ volledig realistisch en
objectief moest worden weegegeven. De historische feiten vervlecht hij met
veel natuurlyriek, op het barokke af.
Met inleiding door Gerwin van der Pol (docent Mediastudies aan de UvA).
De oorspronkelijke lengte van Oorlog en vrede is 432 minuten. EYE vertoont
een kortere versie van 339 minuten; de film werd in 1967 en 1968 in deze
lengte in twee delen uitgebracht in verschillende West-Europese landen. De
kopie, een vintage 70mm print, is afkomstig van het Koninklijk Filmarchief
in Brussel. Het eerste deel werd geprint op Eastman stock en is helaas
verkleurd. Het tweede deel werd geprint op Svema/Orwo stock, de kleuren
hiervan zijn goed. De film wordt vertoond met zes kanaals magneetgeluid, de
kwaliteit van de geluidssporen op de kopie is wisselend.
Hello Thomas,
I have located two other prints in France. One is the "second backup" of
the Kinopanorama print. It's from a duplicate neg but - I have loaded
two reels - it seems to be the o-sound. The print is clean but ...
retracted and with a vinegar smell. I have it at Ormoy, I'll try to
stabilized it at Arane or in Spain. It's OV with French AND English
subtitles. I have an idéa about that: it was for summer season, for
The second one is a "short version" (like Gaumont Palace's one), but in
OV and French sub. It's printed on Eastman support and it's just a
little faded. It was stored in a cellar in the South of France. No
suspect smell, no brittle but it's not the full one. She has been give
to Bois d'Arcy for storage and - maybe - a future screening ar Bercy.
As they use platters for 70mm, I refuse to exhibit my own print that
have never been cut in any way: no platters, no DGB and just an extra
length of leader to protect SMPTE leader..
Best regards and happy new year for you and your family
Jean-Noël Grosmenil
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22-01-25 |