As many of you know, the web site maintains many 70mm
and other large-format film lists. The web site is now home to the most
comprehensive list of 70mm blow-up movies ever compiled. The newly posted list was the
culmination of many years of combined research. There is no other list of this magnitude
available in print or on the internet. We believe this is the most detailed list of its
Coate, co-master of the blow-up lists
Our initial concentration and knowledge focused on U.S. releases. We
have since begun to account for worldwide 70mm releases. There is still much work to be
done in this area, however.
• Go to
35mm to 70mm
Engagements by Year
Nearly all of the titles have been verified as having had 70mm
release prints. Any titles that were questionable (i.e. "Flash Gordon")
have notes citing the source of information.
• Go to
The Alleged 70mm Releases
• Go to
70mm Blow Ups Which Never Were
Over the course of our research, we've found
some helpful (and some not so helpful) leads as to whether certain movies played in 70mm
somewhere in the world.
Bill Kallay,
co-master of the blow-up lists
The list includes an
alphabetical listing of titles within a given
year, along with notations for the original photography process, the soundtrack format,
the distributor, the earliest known release date and our favorite feature, a column for
"special notes," where any specific or noteworthy information can be listed.
The list is considered a work-in-progress, so any information readers
and 70mm fans may have is helpful. Check the In 70mm web site for updates as new
information is added on a regular basis.
Compiled by William
Kallay and Michael Coate
- ©1999-2002. |

• Go to
Format Library |

• Go to
Peripheral Vision, Scopes, Dimensions and Panoramas |
| |
Grant's Blow-Up Blog
By Grant Lobban
Just in case there are any of you unfamiliar with the wonderful world of
70mm, a blow-up isn’t a print which ends its useful life by exploding in
the projector. Sadly, most old 70mm copies, at least those printed
before the early 1980s when more stable colour stocks were introduced,
have a far less dramatic demise, they just fade away with everyone
appearing in them ending up with a pink complexion.
A blow-up is the term used to describe a print made by enlarging, or
“blowing-up”, smaller formats, usually those on 35mm film, but 70mm
prints have also been derived from 16mm and even 8mm originals. When
they first appeared, I was rather sniffy about them and didn’t consider
them to be “proper” 70mm, which like to original Todd-AO process, has to
be photographed on 65mm negative with the same large image area. I must
say now, before we start, that although it wasn’t love at first sight, I
did come to appreciate blow-ups later.
Grant's Blow-Up-Tagebuch
Von Grant Lobban
"Blow-up" bezeichnet man
eine 70mm Kopie, die durch
optische Vergrößerung eines
kleineren Formates, meistens
35mm, hergestellt wurde.
70mm in London 1958-2023
By John Sharp
Between the years 1994
and some years ahead, John
systematically researched
all 70mm releases in London.
70mm Premieres in Los Angeles
By Coate & Kallay
Ever wondered which
films premiere in 70mm in
the home of the movie
Premiere List of
Major 70mm Films
By Thomas Hauerslev
If you ever wondered when a
particular 70mm film
premiered, then here is the
list to read, organized year
by year. |

• Go to
The Alleged 70mm Releases
• Go to
70mm Blow
Ups Which Never Were |

• Go to 70mm Blow - Up Home Page |