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Varnsdorf Panorama Weekend 2024 & Cinema 180 Renewed
World Premiere
Centrum Panorama, Czech
Republic 17th - 19th May, 2024 |
Read more at in70mm.com The 70mm Newsletter
Written by: Zdeněk
Štěpánek, Centrum Panorama, Varnsdorf, Czech Republic |
04.04.2024 |
friends and film technology fans, On behalf of 70mm Cinema Panorama in
Varnsdorf, Czech Republic, on the border with Germany, we would like to
invite you to a Panorama Weekend which will be held from 17th until 19th
May, 2024 within the 21th Film Festival Nisa. The program are 70mm
projection movies, 35mm 3D movies, meetings with friends, fun and good food
and drinks. Cinema Panorama in Varnsdorf offers a unique technical equipment
with curved screen. Projected image size is up to 135 square meters. Cinema
is projected as 70mm with a triangular floor plan and the projection screen
is considerably moved to viewers and has practically no stage.
Designed capacity is of 550 seats. Projection booth has installed all
classic projection technology i.e. 16mm, 35mm (2x), 70mm (2x) and Christie
digital projector. On a perfect tuning our technology and program we
cooperate with foreign friends – Orpheum Lichtspiele Schönberg, Kinomuseum
Berlin and Mikula Servis Switzerland. Hardware is not only in perfect
technical condition, but all improving go beyond the original technology. We
are so prepared for film copies, which, due to the effects of the ravages of
time are not perfect. Projectors UM 70/35 we have adapted for screening
shrink copies, in the sound system we added noise suppression for audio
records without Dolby. Furthermore, we have installed Dolby A or Dolby SR or
other audio systems for 70mm films having e.g. the low bass frequencies in a
particular track or have stereo sound effects. All recordings are played as
they were technically worked on the film copy, but through modern sound
processor and speakers.
We offer to visitors to the festival eating in our two restaurants located
in the complex of CENTRUM PANORAMA with rich selection of pizzas, pastas,
meat and vegetarian dishes. We highly recommend ordering your food in
advance for when the movie ends.
Our philosophy is to offer movies that are very rare on similar 70 mm shows.
Of course, we can never be quite sure, if anyone has ever organize some
screenings alone outside regular festivals, but about many films we failed
to get the information that they would have been in recent years played
More in 70mm reading:
2023: "70mm Film Weekend" Centrum Panorama
Varnsdorf 2023
2022: "70mm Film Weekend" Centrum
Panorama Varnsdorf 2022
2021: 70mm Film Weekend in Centrum Panorama
Varnsdorf, Czech Republic
2019: 70mm Film Weekend in Centrum Panorama
Varnsdorf, Czech Republic
2018: 70mm Film Weekend in
Centrum Panorama Varnsdorf, Czech Republic
2017: 70mm Film Weekend in
Centrum Panorama Varnsdorf, Czech Republic
70mm Film Weekend in Centrum
Panorama Varnsdorf, Czech Republic
2015: 70mm Film Festival in Centrum
Panorama Varnsdorf
Czech Republic
Centrum Panorama Varnsdorf,
Czech Republic
70MM in Varnsdorf - a new
70mm Retro - Festivals and
Centrum Panorama
cinema, Czech
21. Neisse Filmfestival
The Panorama Weekend takes place in the context of 21th Neisse Filmfestival,
which is organized in 10 locations in the German-Polish-Czech border
triangle from 14th to 19th May. Program of Neisse Film Festival features
plenty of other dozens of movies, documentaries and short films, as well as
concerts, lectures and parties. See the entire
festival program.
7OMM titles for this year
• Lord Jim
• The Exorcist
• Capricorn One
• Oppenheimer
• Die Hard
More info here:
Web: centrumpanorama.cz
Facebook #1:
Facebook #2:
Email: 70mm@centrumpanorama.cz
As part of the promotion of our cinema, we created a
video presenting the threading of 70mm print into the projector that
stands in our projection booth. Check out the technical excellence of the
machine that has been in our cinema since its opening in 1971.
City Varnsdorf is located at the heart of the border triangle Czech
Republic, Germany and Poland, near the German city of Bautzen, where you can
turn of the A4 motorway. For The train journey can be used the connection
from Zittau or Děčín (Tetschen) with the Labe-Elbe ticket. Cinema is from
the train station less than a mile. In front of the cinema is also parking
for cars. For visitors from the Czech Republic we recommend the train from
Decin or direct bus from Prague. Bus stop is near the cinema.
Cinema 180 Renewed World Premiere
are preparing our Panorama Weekend and for this year with big surprise, with
REAL Cinema 180 in original tent. It was bought by our friend from carousels
/ circus / theme park world and we refurbished them in cinema Centrum
Panorama. Renewed World Premiere will be in our cinema during our Panorama
Weekend. Cinema 180 will be operational from Thursday 16th to Sunday 19th.
In Th-Fr from 14 to 21 every hour and on Sa-Su from 10 to 21 every hour. In
Cinema 180 will be shown eight original 70mm short movies. Not only
rollercoasters, speedy cars, flying under the bridge or fast trains as
usually, but also one short horror movie, in very good color quality.
Screening every hour, or even more often.
• Thursday 16.5. - 14.00-21.00
• Friday 17.5. - 14.00-21.00
• Saturday 18.5. - 10.00-21.00
• Sunday 19.5. - 10.00-21.00
Film Program & Tickets
14.00 Lord Jim
17.00 Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone 35mm 3D
19.30 The Exorcist
22.00 Emmanuelle IV 35mm 3D
Saturday 18.5.
11.00 Capricorn One
14.00 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted 35mm 3D
16.00 Friday the 13th Part III 35mm 3D
18.30 Oppenheimer
22.00 Adult cinema 35mm 3D
Sunday 19.5.
11.00 Die Hard
14.00 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 35mm 3D
3 days - 25€
2 days - 18€
1 day - 10€
Individual screenings: 4€
Další informace / Weitere Informationen
 Centrum Panorama
cinema, Czech
70mm kino Centrum Panorama ve Varnsdorfu v České Republice, na hranicích
s Německem, Vás i letos zve na promítání nejen 70mm filmů, opět pod názvem
Panorama Weekend, který se uskuteční ve dnech 26.–28. 5. 2023 v rámci 20.
Filmového festivalu Nisa. Divákům opět nabídneme jedinečný zážitek s velkým
filmovým formátem na novém panoramatickém plátně o velikosti až 135m2.
Čekají nás znovu 3 dny plné raritních filmů, které se na podobných
přehlídkách objevují velmi výjimečně nebo i vůbec. Ale také známé perly
světové kinematografie. Vedle skvělých filmů se můžete těšit i na technická
překvapení, funkční exponáty, rozsáhlou expozici.
Letos poprvé světová senzace: Po více než čtvrt století budete moci opět
navštívit skutečné pouťové kino Cinema 180, kde se budete krčit při průjezdu
horskou dráhou nebo průletu letadlem pod mostem. Jen a pouze ve Varnsdorfu.
70-mm-Kino "Centrum Panorama" in Varnsdorf, Tschechische Republik, gelegen
im Dreiländereck zu Deutschland und Polen, lädt Sie auch dieses Jahr im
Rahmen des 20. Neiße Filmfestivals zu einem 70mm und 35mm projektion unter
dem Titel Panorama Wochenende ein, das vom 26.–28. 5. 2023 stattfindet. Den
Besuchern bieten wir wieder eine einzigartige Erfahrung mit dem königlichen
Filmformat auf der neuen und gekrümmten, bis 135m2 großen Leinwand. Es wird
3 Tage voller Filme, die auf ähnlichen Veranstaltungen sehr selten oder nie
anzutreffen waren. Freuen Sie sich neben tollen Filmen auch auf technische
Überraschungen, funktionale Exponate und eine umfangreiche Ausstellung.
In diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal eine Weltsensation: Nach mehr als einem
Vierteljahrhundert können Sie wieder das echte Jahrmarktskino Cinema 180
besuchen, wo Sie bei einer Fahrt mit der Achterbahn oder beim Unterqueren
der Brücke schaudern. Nur in Varnsdorf.
Contacts & How to reach us
Centrum Panorama
Západní 2618
407 47 Varnsdorf
Czech Republic
City Varnsdorf is located at the heart of the border triangle Czech
Republic, Germany and Poland, near the German city of Bautzen, where you can
turn of the A4 motorway. For The train journey can be used the connection
from Zittau or Děčín (Tetschen) with the Labe-Elbe ticket. Cinema is from
the train station less than a mile. In front of the cinema is also parking
for cars. For visitors from the Czech Republic we recommend the train from
Decin or direct bus from Prague. Bus stop is near the cinema. Visitors can
take accommodation in one of the many guesthouses in Varnsdorf. Panorama
Restaurant will be open every day at least one hour before the first
screening. Film Point Bar will offer entertainment throughout the night.
Google map: Attention, GPS brings you to the back gate for staff.
Entrance to the cinema and parking is on the opposite side of the block.
Email: 70mm@centrumpanorama.cz
Pavel Nejtek - cinema owner: +420 603 509 102
Zdeněk Štěpánek - technician and service for visitors: +420 774 415 269 (CZ,
Office: +420 605 700 844 (CZ)
Restaurant: +420 603 519 540 (CZ)
- Educational Center
Price from 420Kč/night.
The hotel is 540 meters away from the cinema.
Use password: Centrum Panorama
Ubytovna Sportovní hala (sports hostel)
Price from 250Kč/night.
The hostel is 300 meters away from the cinema.
Penzion Dvůr Pohody
Price from 550Kč/night.
The guesthouse is 1.6km away from the cinema.
Penzion U Rudolfa III.
Price from 399Kč/night.
The guesthouse is 1.5km away from the cinema.
Hotel Atrium
T.G.Masaryka 1678, Varnsdorf
Telephone: +420 412 375 510
E-Mail: hotelatriumvarnsdorf@seznam.cz
Price from 980Kč/night.
The hotel is 1km away from the cinema.
Hotel Varnsdorf
5. května 2427, Varnsdorf
Telephone: +420 777 004 396
E-Mail: hotelvarnsdorf@icloud.com
Price from 750Kč/night.
The hotel is 2.8km away from the cinema.
Penzion Fontána
Price from 350Kč/night.
The guesthouse is 1.5km away from the cinema.
Brewery Kocour
Price from 470Kč/night.
The brewery is 2.8km away from the cinema.
Please contact us in case of problems with accommodation, we will help you.

• Go to Cinema 180 Renewed World
Premiere @ Varnsdorf Panorama Weekend 2024 |

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Varnsdorf Panorama Weekend 2024 |
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22-01-25 |