World record of 70mm
in Amsterdam!
By Johan Wolthuis
EYE film museum Amsterdam has set a world record with the 70mm print of "The Hateful Eight" according to the Weinstein Company. In 4
months time, since January 7, they sold more than 36000 tickets until
the end of May. This is more than any other cinema in the world with a 70mm
print of the Quentin Tarantino film! |
Orla Nielsen shows
"The Hateful Eight" in Aalborg
By Thomas Hauerslev
You can't keep a man down who want to show 7OMM! That statement seems to be
true with Orla Nielsen from Aalborg in Denmark. Orla Nielsen opens a temporary
cinema to show "The Hateful Eight". The local multiplex declined Orla's
offer to set up 7OMM screenings earlier this year. Instead, Theatre
Nordkraft's manager Jakob Jørgensen came to the rescue and offered his
theatre to Orla for a limited season.
"The Hateful Eight",
Roadshow, Aalborg |
Arrives in Barnsley
By Ben Wales
In the South
Yorkshire Town of
Barnsley was history
in the making with
the UK’s third venue
to screen the 70mm
Roadshow “The
Hateful Eight”. For
those who have never
been or heard of
Barnsley, it is once
known for the Coal
Mining and Glass
Making and Brass
Bands and now 70mm
at the former Odeon
Cinema now called
The Parkway Cinema. |
ROADSHOW Screening
Rob Younger
Once again the
Parkway Cinema
Barnsley is leading
the way! Every
screening will have
a personal
introduction from me
and we will be
inviting interested
parties into the
projection room
after the show. There are just three towns/cities in the UK where
the full experience of "The Hateful Eight" 70mm Roadshow can be
enjoyed as the director intended; London, Edinburgh and BARNSLEY! This
will be the first time that any 70mm film has been screened to an
audience in Barnsley, let alone a Roadshow! |
UK 7OMM “Hateful 8”
Roadshow goes to
By Ben Wales
The Cinema opened on
the release date
(8th January 2016) a
DCP version, but
most were awaiting
for the “70mm
Roadshow” and on the
12th February it
opened to record
sell outs for the
first week and still
maintaining above
average sells that
it has been given
more screenings for
the last weekend. By
the time your
correspondent had
visited this Cinema
on Tuesday 23rd
February well over
3,000 had seen the
70mm Roadshow
presentation. |
H8 Down Under
By Brian Walters
The following day I
attended the 1:30 PM
session at the
beautiful art deco
“Rivoli Complex“
cinema one. Both of these cinemas showed off the great quality of the
Ultra Panavision 70 process to audiences that had mostly never seen this
film format. On display was not only the razor sharp grainless image, but
also the solid saturated colour rendition that only film presentations can
currently deliver. |
70mm Ultra Panavision Roadshow in Gartenbau Kino, Vienna, Austria
Gerhard Schwach
The 70mm Ultra Panavision Roadshow in Gartenbau Kino in Vienna is really a
spectacle! The atmosphere was great: large posters in front of the cinema
announced the 70 mm roadshow, there was a 70mm extra charge for the ticket,
lots of interested people in the lobby already at 4:00 p.m. and an almost
sold out evening show at 8:15 p.m. |
Hateful Eight 7OMM alla Cineteca di Bologna, Cinema Lumiere
Di Daniele Buttafava
Anche a Bologna la presentazione del Roadshow in Ultra Panavision 70mm
di The Hateful Eight di Quentin Tarantino. Il film viene presentato
presso la sala Officine Mastroianni del cinema Lumiere. Il film viene
proiettato dal proiezionista Stefano Bognar con un Proiettore 35/70
Prevost P93 degli anni 90. |
Hateful Eight" in
der Essener "Lichtburg"
Von Ulrich Rostek
die meisten aus der verschworenen Gemeinschaft der 70mm-Anhänger fieberte
ich dem Kinostart von "The Hateful Eight" entgegen, seit sich die Hinweise
verdichteten, dass zum ersten mal seit beinahe 50 Jahren wieder ein Film in
70mm Ultra Panavision produziert werden sollte. |
CINEMA! The Hateful
Eight in 70MM at
ARCADIA, Milan Italy
By Francesco
I’ve never seen so many
people enthusiast in front of a 70MM film print! When Interstellar
was released in 70MM everybody thought about a miracle that an analog
print was back again into theater, but now with The Hateful Eight
and next year with Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk the idea of
“cinema experience” is back again. |
Hateful Eight" at
the "Lichtburg" in
By Ulrich Rostek
Like everybody within the 70mm community I was absolutely keen on seeing
"The Hateful Eight" since I read the movie was going to be shot in Ultra Panavision 70. In Germany only four 70mm
prints were distributed to the movie theatres still capable of
projecting 7OMM, including the cinema next door to me. |
Hateful Eight" 7OMM
Road Show Gala
premiere in Berlin
Tuesday 26. January
By Gerhard Witte
"The Hateful Eight"
7OMM Road Show Gala
premiered at the Zoo
Palast in Berlin
(Germany) Tuesday
26. January 2016.
Gerhard Witte, local reporter
was on the spot to
take the pictures.
• Go to
"The Hateful Eight"
7OMM Roadshow Gala
premiere in Berlin
Tuesday 26. January
2016 |
Amsterdam 70mm is
By Johan Wolthuis
An inquiry among the
visitors, mostly
Tarantino fans,
before the first
full house screening
, why they came to
the EYE for
Tarantino's movie
(they have to take
the ferry crossing
the harbour) instead
of the easier way to
see it in the inner
town of Amsterdam,
resulted in the same
answer from all: "We
want to see it the
way Tarantino has
meant it: in 70mm!"
So that is the
reason, not the
enormous publicity! |
Kommer Tillbaka till Stockholm!
Av Bengt Fredén
Jag måste också givetvis nämna för er att vi hade mycket stort nöje av
filmen! Att se en 'riktig' analog film i detta superformat är en
upplevelse utöver det vanliga! Speciellt imponerade, förutom de
fantastiska inledande bergsscenerierna i det snöiga Wyoming, var det
mäktiga ljudet - Ennio Morricones specialkomponerade musik, med mystiskt
morrande fagotter, ramade in detta märkliga kammardrama. |
7OMM Returns to
By Bengt Fredén
Here is a short account of our visit at the projection booth at the
Rigoletto movie theater in Stockholm, and of course also from the screening
of the
three-hour UltraPanavision 70 movie "The Hateful 8" in the evening of
January 10th, 2016. |
Hateful Eight in
London at The Odeon
Leicester Square
By Mark Lyndon &
Ben Wales
Make no mistake,
this is a landmark
in the history of
the cinema. Odeon
have risen
magnificently to the
challenge of
catering to record
breaking demand to
see a film which is
the talk of the
town. We have never
seen such massive
crowds in Leicester
Square, all
determined to secure
a seat to witness
the must see film of
the year, if not the
century so far.
Adventures of Hateful 8 at Rigoletto!
By Mats Kullander
To cut toilet line on the balcony during intermission, I went down and let
people use “my” toilet, at the same time showing them the projectors and
film. It really was a terrific “family gathering” and all sold out in the
booth. I had to promise some of them a visit after the performances. At
01:50 AM I had shown the film to almost 2.300 fans and didn't leave the
cinema until 02:45 after the last curious person had left the booth. I must
say that this is some kind of peak in my long career. |
Violence in Ultra Panavision and Poetic Glory in Cinerama
Reviewed by Mark Lyndon
"The Hateful Eight" is ugly, violent, gory and brutal. it also contains some
of the most hauntingly beautiful and poetic imagery ever projected in a
cinema. If at all possible, it must be seen in Ultra Panavision 70. A huge
amount of courage, dedication and vision has gone into bringing this film to
the big screen, for a mainstream audience to have it's eyes opened to what
cinema is capable of achieving in the hands of a true master. |
did you think about the 7OMM Road Show Version of The Hateful Eight?
Thoughts and impressions of the new film, and the roadshow presentation in your area. What did it look like, did the
theatre give you a good experience, did the theatre sell souvenir programs,
was it sold out, how far did you drive to see it in 7OMM, did the show live
up to your expectations, and why etc., etc. If this is your first 7OMM, what
do you think about it? Anything that comes into your mind about this event. |
HATEFUL 8 @ the SUN theatre
By Bert Murphy
Getting the Projector into the bio was every bit the nightmare I had been
imagining it to be. First, rolling it down the street on casters like an
armoured shopping trolley got a few glances from passing traffic. Then into
the foyer for the next challenge. It wouldn't fit in the lift. No problem;
release the lamp house mount from the pedestal and carry it along behind.
The Hateful
Eight - Cinemas with the 7OMM Roadshow Version
By Thomas Hauerslev
This Worldwide 7OMM Premiere list has been put together
like a jig-saw puzzle based on what people write on internet foras, people
who write to and theater web sites. This list includes the official Weinsten
7OMM Premiere List of US Cinemas. |

• Go to
Hateful Eight" 70mm
Theatre List
• Go to
"The Hateful Eight"
Production Notes
• Go to
The Hateful Eight
cinemas in US |
The Third
Man records' Release of "The Hateful Eight" on 2-LP 180 gram
Quentin Tarantino and Decca Records today announced the
release of Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight original
motion picture soundtrack. The soundtrack will be available
for purchase on CD, vinyl, and at digital retail worldwide
via Decca Records on December 18, 2015. |

• Go to
Hateful Eight - in
65mm?? |

Go to
• The Hateful Eight continuity
The Hateful Eight road show
instructions |

• Go to
The Hateful Eight - in
• Go to
and Resurrecting
• Go to
Song Filming in 65mm |
Hateful Eight" Road Show at AFI Silver
By Howard
B. Haas
had never seen a movie two days in a row, and never seen a new movie twice
unless I'm travelling and wish to see a historic movie theater but over
Christmas weekend, I enjoyed director Quentin Tarantino's 70mm Roadshow
presentation of the 3 hour epic “The Hateful Eight” two days in a row at the AFI Silver in suburban Washington D.C. |
Hateful Eight is a
Wonderful Cinematic
Experience for the
true Cinefile
By Tyler Purcell
It was clearly made
with the heart's of
many others like
myself, who strive
to keep shooting
film and keep it
alive for future
generations. The
shooting crew, team
over at Panavision,
the great finishing
guys at FotoKem and
DGA projectionist,
all did an amazing
job making this
film. Everything
came together
Quentin's vision was
a complete and utter
success. |
Nominations for The Hateful Eight |
Performance by an
actress in a supporting role
• Jennifer Jason Leigh in “The Hateful Eight”
Achievement in cinematography
• “The Hateful Eight” Robert Richardson
Achievement in music written for motion pictures
(Original score)
• “The Hateful Eight” Ennio Morricone

Send your impression
to: |
 The Widest Story Ever Told
Von Christian Appelt
Am 12. Oktober 1956 präsentierte MGM Camera 65 im Rahmen
der SMPTE-Konferenz in einer Demonstrationsvorführung. Douglas
Shearer und Robert Gottschalk von Panavision stellten die
Flexibilität des Formats heraus. “Vom Standpunkt des Produzenten
aus ist die Wahlmöglichkeit des endgültigen Verleihformats
einer der Vorzüge dieses 65-mm-Verfahrens” |
The MGM PANAVISION Enlarged-film System By Douglas Shearer To make our system universally adaptable a 65mm negative has been chosen having standard perforations with the incorporation of a mild anamorphic squeeze in the taking lens system. |

Go to
The Widest Story Ever Told |
Panavision 70 - almost like a real story
By Rick Mitchell
Due to a financial investment from MGM, the new format was initially known as "MGM Camera 65".
Because, one of its design considerations was to yield higher quality
35mm anamorphic prints, directors, cinematographers, and camera
operators were instructed to keep important action within the safe
action area of 2.35:1 anamorphic 35mm prints with an optical track. |
and the Resurrecting
of Dinosaur
By Tyler Purcell
After seeing the
70mm test footage,
there was a rousing
applause. The next
thing we saw was a
DCP version of the
material and it
really shows how
proper film
projection truly
trumps digital. The
blacks were mushy
and undefined, the
highlights were
clearly peaking and
the whole image
looked flat. All of
that beautiful depth
seen in the film
projection was lost.
We sadly realized
this format,
developed in the
50's, is still
better then all the
money we've thrown
at conventional
digital projection. |
Hateful Eight" goes to Russia
By Alex Asp
The HATEFUL EIGHT will be released on one 70mm screen in Moscow on January
1st, 2016 - In the biggest auditorium of OCTOBER cinema. They have located
fully preserved an fully functional KINOTON FP75E. The Russian dubbed
soundtrack will be played using the only surviving DTS set of equipment. |
8 Salopards en 70 mm
- au cinéma le 6
5 mois de travail
ont été nécessaires
pour rendre possible
cette prestigieuse
tournée d’avant-premières
dans ce "sublime
format 70mm" choisi
par Quentin
Tarantino. La
version présentée
comporte 8 minutes
de film
supplémentaire par
rapport à la version
qui sera exploitée
en numérique. |
Hateful Eights opens in 7OMM at the Grand Rex
By Thomas Hauerslev
"The Hateful Eight" opened on continental Europe to a sold out house at the
largest cinema in Europe. The Grand Rex in Paris. I had the opportunity to
talk to Stéphane LANDFRIED about
the spectacular premiere. |
70MM Film
Print and Projection Details
By Paul Rayton
All 70mm prints for platter houses in the US will be shipped out entirely
assembled. The prints are being built
up by a selected crew working near Magic Mountain (Santa Clarita), CA. The prints will be in one single transport case, custom made for the show.
A large, flat case, similar to those sometimes used to transport Imax 70mm
prints, back in the day. |

Go to
DP70 /
Universal 70-35 / Norelco AAII - The Todd-AO Projector |

• Go to
Quentin Tarantino's
"The Hateful Eight" |