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1926 Natural Vision
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1955 Todd-AO
1955 Circle Vision 360
1956 CinemaScope 55
1957 Ultra Panavision 70
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1958 Kinopanorama
1959 Super Panavision 70
1959 Super Technirama 70
1960 Smell-O-Vision
1961 Sovscope 70
Cinerama 360
1962 MCS-70
1963 70mm Blow Up
1963 Circarama
1963 Circlorama
1966 Dimension 150
1967 DEFA 70
1967 Pik-A-Movie
1970 IMAX / Omnimax
1974 Cinema 180
1976 Dolby Stereo
1984 Showscan
1984 Swissorama
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1990 CDS
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• To record the history of the large format movies and the 70mm cinemas as remembered by the people who worked with the films. Both during making and during running the films in projection rooms and as the audience, looking at the curved screen.
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in70mm.com News 2009

BKSTS Honorary Award
By Bill Lawrence
in70mm.com editor awarded Honorary Membership of the BKSTS for the work in preserving the history of 70mm and for keeping it alive in arranging screenings. The award was presented at the Odeon Leicester Square in London.

Projection Team of the Year 2009
Steve Larcombe wins Frank Littlejohns Award 2009
Fellowship of the BKSTS for Paul Schofield
The Incol 70/35 projector
By Paulo Roberto P. Elias
The history of the Incol 70/35 is the history of a family business. It was Alysson de Faria who started the business as the commercial representative of a foreign manufacturer.
6. Todd-AO 70mm-Festival 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
By Thomas Hauerslev
Schauburg Kino, Karlsruhe
October 2009. 70mm films presented in all their screen splendour.
Biffen's Three Curved Screens
By Thomas Hauerslev
Biffen reopened in June 2009. "I have DP70's and curved screens everywhere, so why not use them for 70mm?". This is the story about the brand new 70mm cinema in Denmark
Советская Кругорама
By Grigorij Shandorovich
Во время своей поездки по США, Хрущев посетил циркораму и был ею восхищен. По приезду на родину, генсек возжелал «догнать и перегнать» Америку и за три (3!) месяца была построена наша кругорама!
Soviet Circular Panorama
By Grigorij Shandorovich
During the trip across the USA, Chruschev has visited Circarama and has been admired by it. On arrival home, the secretary general has desired "to catch up and overtake" America and for three (3!) month we has been constructed Circular panorama!
The current state of Cinerama in the U.S.
By Rick Mitchell
I did experience my first breakdown with "TIC". The Vienna Boys Choir suddenly began slowing down, then stopped altogether, then the A, B, and C projectors snapped off in turn. After about three minutes everything restarted in sync.
3-Strip at the Dome - and 70mm too!
By Tom March
I was invited up to the projection booth for the Cinerama pre-screening setup and spent most of my time there during the 3-panel shows.

• Go to Wide Visit With Willem Bouwmeester
The California Theatre: San Jose's 70mm Secret
By Robert Smith
The California has also been equipped with two restored theatre organs and DP70 projectors. For the last several years, a short 70mm program has appeared.
Processors, speakers, amplifiers and wiring
By 65/70mm Workshop
A practical and cost-effective upgrade path for cinemas
DP70 The Todd-AO Projector
By Thomas Hauerslev
The famous and time proven 70mm film projector developed by Philips in Holland more than 55 years ago.
The Grindel Filmtheater
By Gerhard Witte
The Grindel Filmtheater in Hamburg, Germany opened the 25.11.1959 with the film “Im Zeichen Roms" in Eastmancolor and Dyaliscope with Anita Ekberg.
Das Grindel Filmtheater
Von  Gerhard Witte
"Das Grindel" nannten die Hamburger einst liebevoll das Grindel Filmtheater, das am 25.11.1959 seine Pforten öffnete. Der Eröffnungsfilm war damals der Film "Im Zeichen Roms" in Eastmancolor und Dyaliscope mit Anita Ekberg.
The Finding Of The Lost Alamo
By Bob Bryden
I was so flaggergasted! Having seen the original in 1960 when it first came out - it was a miracle to see it again in the splendor of Todd-AO on that fateful morning of 24 November 1990 in Toronto, Canada.
70mm Alive and kicking in Berlin!
By Johan Wolthuis
The Berlinale received a lot of publicity and many visitors from abroad. Therefore it was a pity that the ticket sales was so complicated and that a lot of foreign visitors couldn't get tickets for the films they came to see.
The last film in 70mm and Sensurround Plus
By Brad Adams
I thought the movie was filmed well and there sure was some jazzy numbers, but as far as the Sunsurround, I felt heavy deep bass during most of the musical numbers, thus, the "+ Plus" in Sunsurround
VistaVision Weekend @ Schauburg
By Herbert Born
The Schauburg Kino in Karlsruhe celebrates VistaVision including "Vertigo" in 70mm + a rare charity screening of "The Alamo"
"Splendore del 70 Millimetri"
By Marco Barsotti
Superb presentation with start of the film exactly at 9 pm, no advertising, see-through screen of the incredible audio setup, and the "Splendore del 70 Millimetri" in its best form.
Berlinale 70mm Retrospective
Oliver Klohs
A very interesting week at the Berlinale with many rare prints. I hope 70mm will be back on the map in Berlin - it is hard to imagine the German capital without it!
Widescreen Weekend Report 2009
By Thomas Hauerslev
What makes people fly in from all over the world to spend a “Widescreen Weekend” in Bradford and seeing films, which are sometimes faded and in most cases very, very old?
Audience feedback - Widescreen Weekend 2009
By Ramon Lamarca and many more.
If I could make some petitions for the future would be to keep the showmanship at its best, I would wait a bit until closing the curtains for those of us who like to read who the carpenter was in the film. Full review
By Søren Søndergaard
How to book and buy on line tickets for the 70mm Film Festival in Copenhagen. Get the over view here. A Step-by-step guide.
Tab Presentation
By 65/70mm Workshop
Proper curtain tab presentation in cinemas was once commonplace but today has sadly been neglected, along with associated lighting effects that helped create a sense of anticipation in the audience.
70mm Retrospective - Mission Report
By Rayton & Hauerslev
Now, suddenly, 70mm is given a superior place of recognition, at one of the most important film festivals in the world -- and the audiences responded as if it was their long-lost child! This is the mission report from the middle of the 70mm "melting pot" in Berlin, Germany.
By Francois Carrin
Un événement s’est produit mercredi 24 septembre 2008, un nouveau film est sorti ce jour-là en 70mm - "Faubourg 36"
In 70mm at the PARAMOUNT OPÉRA
By Francois Carrin
An EVENT OF NOTE to 70mm film-lovers occurred on Wednesday September 24th, 2008: a new feature film was released in a 70mm print! It’s Christophe Barratier’s new film, “Faubourg 36”
70mm Festival in Frankfurt am Main
By Deutsches Filmmuseum
Das Deutsche Filmmuseum präsentiert als einzige weitere Station in Deutschland vom 13. bis 18. März eine Auswahl an Filmen der Berlinale-Restropektive „70mm – Bigger Than Life“, die Fachwelt und Publikum begeisterte
The M.C.S.-70 Process and European Cinema of the 1960s
By Christian Appelt
It was a happy chance, that brought together, the MCS company and an inventor and film technician of special genius, the Norwegian Jan Jacobsen
Traumreisen auf breitem Filmband: Das M.C.S.-70-Verfahren
By Christian Appelt
Ein Zufall bringt die Modern Cinema System K.G. mit einem genialen Erfinder und Filmtechniker zusammen: Der Norweger Jan Jacobsen
MCS 70 Superpanorama Films Adverts and posters
A collection of posters and adverts from MCS 70 Superpanorama films in the US, Denmark, France and in Holland.
MCS 70 Field Camera
By Christian Appelt
Wir danken sehr herzlich M. Jean-René FAILLIOT, Kopierwerk Gulliver-Arane, Paris, der die Fotoaufnahmen der MCS-70 Kamera anfertigte und uns zu Verfügung stellte.

"Windjammer" Press Release
By Strohmaier & Hauerslev
Since summer 2009, David Strohmaier, and John Sittig have spent considerable time to find the best elements of "Windjammer" for DVD and Blu-ray release.

Danish Locations, Sweden saves the day & Contact
The Passing of Bob Gaffney
By Sherry Gaffney
Bob passed away this morning and we intend to comply with will as to what should happen next. We will have a Memorial Service for Bob where he requested that humorous eulogies should be spoken by those who knew him.
The Shoes Of The Fisherman
By Gerhard Witte
A 70mm Gala Matinee of the MGM film "The Shoes of the Fisherman" took place in the Astor Film Lounge in Berlin October 25, 2009 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of actor Oskar Werner's passing
Das "Savoy" in Hamburg
Von Gerhard Witte
Wenige Minuten vom Hamburger Hauptbahnhof entfernt, am Steindamm 54, wurde am 14.03.1957 das "modernste Kino Europas" eröffnet.
In den Schuhen des Fischers
Von  Gerhard Witte
Am 25. Okt. 2009 fand in der Astor Film Lounge Berlin eine 70mm-Gala-Matinee des MGM-Films "In den Schuhen des Fischers" anlässlich des 25. Todestages des Schauspielergenius OSKAR WERNER statt.
Rückeroberung der Kinos!
Von Thomas Hauerslev

In den 50er und 60er Jahren gab es weniger als 100 Filme in 70mm. Dennoch haben diese Titel einen derartigen Zauber entwickelt, wie das Königtum Kino, so dass Fans aus allen Teilen der Welt anreisen, um sie zu sehen.
Reclaim the Cinemas! Schauburg's Todd-AO Festivals in Retrospect
By Thomas Hauerslev
During the 1950s and 60s, less than 100 films were made in 65mm. Still, those titles have acquired such an aura of mystique, like the royalty of cinema, that fans are flying in from around the world to see them.
Karlsruhe 2009 Goodies
70mm Foreword, Wolfram Hannemann's introductions;
Posters, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Ultra Panavision 70, Early lenses
By Tak Miyagishima
These earlier lenses were all engraved as having a power of 1.33X but were never used having that power. We started designing these lenses with the power of 1.33X and had to alter the power but didn’t change the engraving.
Made in Yorkshire
by Tony Earnshaw & Jim Moran
huge book of all the feature films shot in Yorkshire from the inception of film to the present day including in-depth accounts of more than 30 films.
Traumreise Unter Weissen Segelen
Jürgen A. Brückner
Jürgen A. Brückner zeigt den ersten deutschen 70mm Farbgrossfilm. "Flying Clipper, Traumreise unter weißen Segeln" Eine Produktion der M. C. S. - Film K. G. Rudolf Travnicek in "MCS 70" modern cinema systems Sechs-Kanal-Stereoton und Eastmancolor.
I’m as normal as a Blu-Ray Pie…
By Stefan Adler
I have an appointment with Nellie and she is still as gorgeous as when I first met her 49 years ago, dancing on the beach, in love with a wonderful format.
Restoration of "Spartacus"
By Universal Pictures
The most extensive film restoration in history - a new print, painstakingly reconstructed from decades old negative and color separation prints, was struck, at a cost of nearly $1 million.
Robert Hopkins, Inventor of Todd-AO Lens dies
By Sharon Dickman
Robert Hopkins died July 4, he was 94. His lens designs included the Todd-AO lens used to produce high definition, wide aspect-ratio films shot on large format film
Queens Cinerama Theatre, Newcastle
By John Wood
Two DP70 (892+896) from Odeon, Hanley in October 1964. Ran "South Pacific" from 22.09.1958. Renamed Queens Cinerama Theatre from October 1964. 3-strip Cinerama 1963-1978.
Gaumont, Manchester, England
By David Slack
I have received the attached photos of the Gaumont cinema in Manchester. Well, after all my years of searching I cannot believe that someone actually had these photos.
Digital Cinerama! D150, CinemaScope 55, Ultra Panavision and much much more!
By Mark Trompeteler
If you haven’t had the chance to attend a widescreen weekend before and you love cinema then do consider going. A visit to Bradford 2009
70mm: "3-D without glasses", or "The Showmanship Format"
By Tamir Sharif
My slogan for 70mm would be (and this is for 65/70 productions shown in 70mm or SDS-70), "3-D without glasses", or "the showmanship format".
Marketing The Premiere Experience
By 65/70mm Workshop
The Workshop has devised a contemporary logo to support The Premiere Experience branding concept. 
Ken Annakin Interview
By Thomas Hauerslev
In 2000, I had the pleasure to interview Ken Annakin in Bradford about his work with large format film. I just learned yesterday that he passed away this week, age 94.
The History of 70mm Short Subjects
By Randy Gitsch
An abbreviated history of ALL widescreen short subjects from July 1896's “Henry Regatta” in 70mm to "The Devil's Mine Ride" in Showscan.
WSW 2009 introductions
By Sheldon Hall:
"Khartoum", Wolfram Hannemann: "The King and I", "The Bible...in the beginning" and "West Side Story" and Dave Strohmaier: "How the West Was Won".
The Restoration of "The Alamo"
By Robert A. Harris
MGM and a number of vendors have been very supportive in the effort to save this epic film, and are making generous contributions.
2nd 70mm Festival In Copenhagen
By Thomas Hauerslev
The 2nd 70mm Film Festival in Copenhagen runs from 26 - 30. April 2009. Come and see "Poltergeist", "Fame", The Abyss", "Titanic", "Out of Africa", Patton" and "Hello, Dolly!" in the LARGEST cinema in northern Europe.
The BIG Picture in Edinburgh
David Boyd, Chief Technician
For 30 years Filmhouse has been *Edinburgh's best independent cinema*, showing over 500 incredible films each year. Filmhouse *celebrates world cinema* in all its brilliance and diversity.
Widescreen Weekend 2009
By Thomas Hauerslev
Our friends at 20th Century Fox have promised us a NEW Dimension 150 print of "The Bible...in the Beginning". Come and see it, at the 14th Widescreen Weekend in Bradford, England.
New 70mm print of "Flying Clipper"
By Egbert Koppe
FOTOKEM recut the negative and restored the sound, produced a DTS70 sound and made the final DTS70 print. Friday 6. February we'll check some reels on the screen in Cinestar 8
Impressions from the Berlinale 2009

Pictures only - mission report to follow soon
70mm Retrospective Berlin 2009
By Betz, Born,
Dittrich, Knapp, & Hauerslev
The most ambitious 70mm festival to date. Background about the festival, reviews and festival images.
Berlin 2009 - Programme of Events Complete
Worldwide interest in the legacy of 70-mm films has intensified noticeably over the last years. To find decent, original-language prints of the films for the 70-mm Retrospective of this year’s Berlinale turned out to be a particular challenge
Guide to biobooking.dk
By Søren Søndergaard
The easiest way to get 70mm film tickets in Copenhagen is by telephoning kino.dk or buy online. So here's a guide in English.
2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994

Widescreen Weekend
By Bill Lawrence
Widescreen weekend runs from 26 - 29 March, 2010. Full program will be available from National Media Museum's web site medio March 2010.
The Passing of Joe Kelly
By Leimeter, Vetter, Weisgerber
& Williams
Joe Kelly was one of the truly good guys in the world. He was my unofficial technical guru during the time when Todd-AO was still affiliated with the United Artists Theatre Corporation.
Mystery Cinerama truck in Sweden
By Anders M Olsson
While driving home from work in Malmo, Sweden, my eyes nearly popped when I met a truck with a large CINERAMA logo on its side
The "Savoy" in Hamburg
By Gerhard Witte
The latest "state-of-the-art" cinema of Europe was opened on the 14th March 1957, a few minutes away from the Hamburger central railway station at Steindamm 54.
10 new RAMAs added
Funorama, Canauxrama, Explorama, Bowl-O-Rama, Kinorama, Naturama, Imageorama, Illeanarama, Perforama, and Rama butter
Millie Goes to the Golden Head
By Rick Mitchell
"The Golden Head" is actually not that bad a film. It's in the tradition of films made by various European countries going back to the Twenties aimed at the "tween" audience, usually lighthearted mysteries with kids solving crimes.
Large Format in Brazil / 70mm In Rio
Paulo Roberto P. Elias, Rio
It was 1965. With great fanfare, the Cinema Vitória, opened its first 70mm screening, with the Super Panavision print of “My Fair Lady”.
"The Last Valley", Austrian 70mm Premiere
Press Release
"The Last Valley", Austrian 70mm Premiere. The film will be screened in Innsbruck on 24th and 27th September 2009 for its 40th anniversary of shooting – first time in Austria in it’s original 70mm-version.
Who is David Coles?
At the impressionable age of 12 my mother took me to the Sydney Plaza Theatre to see “Seven Wonders of the World” and I immediately became a Cinerama addict - determined to find out all about this wondrous process.
Latest news from Cinema Retro
By Lee Pfeiffer and Dave Worrall
Cinema Retro issue #15 is now shipping in Europe. We anticipate it will arrive in the USA by mid September and will then ship to all other parts of the world.
Foreign 70mm Films in Russia
By Dmitry Silyanov
All 70mm films in territory of the USSR were distributed by huge amount of copies. These films went not only in Moscow, and on all USSR, including Soviet Republics such as Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic Countries, Moldova and others.
Soviet 70mm Films in Russia
By Dmitry Silyanov
I am to send to you the list of the Soviet films, demonstrated in 70 mm format in the period from 1961 till 1990. Unfortunately, I have not the information, what from these films were shot on 70mm negative, and what are blow-up in 70mm.
To understand the 65mm project
By Luc Barthélémy
Luc is working on his own 65mm film scanner/recorder project. He has been a film fan since the 1970s and the past few years he has bought some large format equipment on e-Bay, which he is putting together for a private LF project.
"Digital & 65mm" - New book from International 70mm Publishers
By Johan Wolthuis

A new exciting publication is coming soon from from "International 70mm Publishers", edited and published by Johan Wolthuis in The Netherlands. The book examines the question: "Are there any chances for the future of original 65mm filming and 70mm presentation?"
Jäger Der Verlorenen Filmschätze
Von Wolfram Hannemann
Es ist eines der Highlights, auf das ich mich jedes Jahr aufs neue freue: das „Widescreen Weekend“ im englischen Städtchen Bradford.
Wide Screened and Wide Eyed
By Mark Trompeteler
Who amongst us, at certain times, has not totally lost our heart, imagination or disbelief whilst at the cinema? A visit to Bradford 2006
Quality, Quantity and Width
By Mark Trompeteler
As said previously the widescreen weekend programme seemed fuller, more varied and better attended than when I first attended in 2006. A visit to Bradford 2008
A New 65mm Film Camera
By Jonathan Kitzen
A new 65mm mirror reflex film camera will be released in Feb 2010. It's main use is to support 3D filmmaking but can be used for standard flat screen 5/65 shooting.
70mm Bigger Than Life - Multiplex Arcadia, Melzo, Italy
By Laura Fumagalli
70mm Festival in Italy by Milan. 10 days of large screen cinema.
This was a thrill
By Sebastian Rosacker
When I started to think about what to show this year I finally decided that "West Side Story" was the one. I had no idea then that it would be so popular.
"This is New Zealand"
By Bob Jessopp
Tena koto, Tena Koto, Tena Koto, Katoa. Welcome. Here is a little background information to New Zealand’s one and only 3 camera, 3 projector wide screen Film Production.
Lost Orphaned Films Abandoned in Basement
By Dave Strohmaier
The problem was the building was to be used one last time for a charity art exhibit and the artist were given the film to use. They had planned to spray paint the reels of film with florescent color for a large mobile to hang from the ceiling.
70mm Seminar Krnov - Gallery
By Jakub Klíma
It was long weekend, but wonderful and lots of good memories. And most of all... GREAT movies in 70mm!!! - more images to come
Staffing & Training
By 65/70mm Workshop
70mm presentation raises specific staffing and training issues that need to be fully and effectively addressed before taking on the format.
"This is New Zealand" 3-strip EXPO Film From New Zealand
In 1969, New Zealand had to promote itself to the world at the Expo 70 in Japan. The star attraction was a revolutionary 20-minute film made that introduced viewers to New Zealand
5. Todd-AO Festival
By Thomas Hauerslev
Schauburg Kino, Karlsruhe
October 2009. 70mm films presented in all their screen splendour.

• Go to "Where Eagles Dare" - Cinema Retro ‘Movie Classics’ Special

• Go to "Where Eagles Dare" - 40th Anniversary 1969 - 2009
4th Seminar of 70mm film in Krnov 2009
By Jakub Klima
April 2009. Again the audience in the Czech Republic can experience the unique quality of the 70mm format.
"Play Time" In 70mm
By Rene Moser
Der Auftakt zum 30-Jahr-Jubiläum des Xenix ist eine Veranstaltung der einmaligen Art, da in der Schweiz kein 70mm Kino mehr existiert und wir die für die Projektion im Volkshaus erforderliche Technik exklusiv für den 4. Januar von Hamburg nach Zürich holen.
Baraka - From 65mm to Blu-ray
By Richard Greenhalgh
Last night our SMPTE Hollywood section meeting was held at DreamWorks’ Campanelli Theater. The subject was “Baraka”

• Go to
in70mm.com News 2009

Online: 02-06-1999. Updated: 22-01-2025